Monday 3 June 2019

June already....

June has crept up on me so quickly, where has the year gone?
Seems like the days and weeks just fly....
Mary Brown has been my main go to project over the past week and a few more blocks have been completed.
I have decided not to make my version as big as the pattern. I realise I don't need another huge quilt, there are also quite a few blocks that are out of my league and some I am not keen on either so I will eliminate the outer blocks and perhaps add a small border as I did with Caswell.
Now that I have selected which blocks will complete my journey it seems that I just want to work on this project. I can't wait to have it all together and get it quilted.
There are still some I need to catch up on my blog but here are the ones that I've completed recently..

Happy Days



  1. I agree that the days,weeks and months are just going bye too quickly...
    You always usesuch gorgeous fabrics for your beautifully needleturn blocks...

  2. They look lovely blocks and it sounds a good plan to finish it

  3. Love your Mary Brown blocks. They are so pretty. Hugs,xx

  4. They are both “delicious “ so keep up the great work...xox

  5. Indeed the days are going far too fast ….. your blocks are just lovely... I love everything about them.... one day I must do one of these …

  6. Well done on an executive decision. I did that with Dear Jane on Saturday. Only 10 blocks to go now so it will get done.As you say big quilts aren't needed these days... I have plenty!

  7. I love love love this project Marina - I cant wait to see the finish, either - hehe! (no pressure now)

  8. The year is certainly flying by! Your blocks are beautiful Marina, good decision to do the ones you like the best.

  9. Yes! What happened to January? Your blocks are just lovely x

  10. Lovely blocks. Good idea to cut the size down too. xx

  11. So many tiny curves and points! The blocks are beautiful.

  12. Pretty, pretty blocks. I will be starting on my Mary Brown journey soon long with another quilter.


Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...