Sunday 12 May 2024

Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends.

Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly get togethers at Mill Rose Cottage. They were great get togethers and where the city girls bonded with the Gisborne girls. Many of the originals  have moved on to other things for whatever reasons and there is still a small group that get together. Sadly most of the bloggers amongst us no longer blog, I think I may be the only one to and even then I seem to forget to get fotos of the day to blog about! 

Mary's shop is always a great place to visit and you can count on a laugh or two.

Sadly I didn't do much crafting as my water bottle leaked over the stitcheries I had planned to work on and it also wet all the pages in the folder of patterns. I worked a little on a stale project that is well on the way to a completion so it all worked out well.

A few purchases were made of course

This has only a few more rows to go..... My favourite scarf pattern, I have used many times. This will go to a work colleague. Barb was admiring the pattern which coincidentally was purchased from one of the early Mill rose get togethers. 

We both purchase this same hank of wool, not knowing the other had bought it so we are going to see if we can have a scarf complete by next get together. I have chose this design and Barb will be using the pattern above.
Of course some fabric loveliness came home with me too. I had admired this coloured Tim Holz fabric on Mary's instagram and had to have some. The other fabric just had to come home with me too. Can never have too many positive affirmations.

A happy Mother's day to all those mums out there.

Tonight the masses will converge for feasting and merriment lol

Happy days!!



  1. Great day out but what a shame about that leaky bottle! Lovely yarn purchase. xx

  2. Great to hear you had a catch up at Mary's shop, sad to hear about the water leakage! Beautiful crochet and wool.

  3. Lovely day out Marina, I hope nothing got spoiled with the water spill! Love your new scarf making and lovely yarn there aswell..... always need to top up the stash... hope you had lovely feasting and merriment...

  4. What a pain about your leaky water bottle! Glad it didn't stop a lovely catch up. LOVE your scarf and the new yarn. You have some nice fabric treasure to bring home xx

  5. bugger about the water bottle..........glad you got to catch up with the girls............the scarf is going to be lovely.........

  6. I hope the purchases made you happy even though you spilled water on your work and papers. Hope it was water.



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