Tuesday 23 July 2024


 Boy where does time go?

It was back to work last week after two weeks holidays and I find that I did very little. Usually holidays are my productive times but it was just a take it as it comes sort of holiday break.

I have been slowly adding to my main projects on the go. I have started the second Orange sherbet block and am on the final stretch with the Little Blooms quilt. Only 7 to go and as I am going to gift it to a good friend for her '0' birthday in September it needs to take priority to get it over the line. I love this quilt design so much I may make another one just for me.

I re checked where I was at with this project and it seems I am close to the home stretch on this one too. I need three more dresdens and about seven more stitcheries and it will be all done ready to sew together. I think this may be enough dresdens for me for awhile as it's about the 5th project I've done in the past few years with dresdens!


This is a close up of one of the extra stitcheries I needed to do. I really love Kathy Shmitz stitcheries and these tiny ones really appeal to me.

Well that's me caught up! Not much to show for such a bit blogging absence but I feel I don't want or need to do many projects and it takes a bit of thought to chose one I really want to commit to.

Here is a photo of our Daphne which has absolutely exploded with flowers. The perfume as you walk past is divine.

Bye for now and happy sewing.



  1. I love the little blooms, what a great design. Always love a Dresden too! xx

  2. Both projects are lovely. The Daphne looks gorgeous. I bet the smell is divine.

  3. Oh gosh your projects are just too gorgeous..... the holidays seem to have just shot through ....

  4. Loving your little blooms and your dresdens are so pretty, lovely stitcheries Marina. We have a daphne in flower too, the perfume is amazing.

  5. Your little blooms are so gorgeous. That must be a very special friend. I hope you do get one to keep for yourself.

  6. Best eye candy ever, Marina!! Dresdons with all that work in the middle and "Little Blooms" - gorgeous!!!



 Time is getting away from me it would be lovely to be able to slow it down. Crafting inspiration seems to be lacking as I try to finish off...