Thursday 25 April 2024

Thursday happiness

 It's a lovely Anzac day holiday today and I am hoping to get some time to prep some blocks for my Blooms quilt as I have run out of prepped ones. Always a lot of fun selecting fabrics.

Speaking of fun this week I got to catch up with two bloggy friends. Fiona (Bubz Rugz) is down from Queensland and we arranged a catch up. I thought it would be great to ask our mutual friend Liz to come with me for the drive.

It has been a few years since I have had the chance to catch up with Fiona and it was a joy to do so. Of course the time went by too quickly but there was lots of chatting and laughs had. I remember I caught up with Fiona, Michelle and Teresa in Queensland years ago and that was a wonderfully memorable catch up.

Michelle and Fiona are both making the Caswell quilt which  I made a few years ago and I very generously gave Fiona my pattern (after we both talked her into making it). I thought it might have been even more generous of me to give her my Celebrating Mary Brown pattern as she may like to make this one next but she was not very receptive and replied with a threat about sending me the Civil War Bride quilt patterns if I did.

Hmm some people? 

Thanks Fiona for the catch up and hopefully it won't be years between this and the next one. 

Here are the latest bloom blocks. They are such fun to make. I think I may be close to half way, I must tally up and see.

Hope your day includes some sewing.



  1. Your bloom blocks are beautiful.

  2. Lovely to catch up with friends and those blooms have happy faces too. xx

  3. T%hat would have been a lovely catch up.
    Great to see all your lovely bloom blocks growing.

  4. It was so good to catch up with you both, thanks for making the drive! Your blooms are looking lovely.... both the fabric ones and the ones in the garden...

  5. Bloom is beautiful! How lovely to have a friends catchup. I cannot understand Fionas reluctance lol! Your slipping in the arm twisting department lol!

  6. how wonderful to catch up with Fiona.......
    the blooms are looking great.........

  7. How wonderful to have a catch up with friends. Your Bloom blocks are looking very pretty xx

  8. Hi Marina. Sounds like a fun catch up. It’s been a long time since I have seen Liz. Say hi to her for me please.

  9. And there you go again, wowing me with your amazing color/fabric choices. I love everything you do and want to do it too.



 Boy where does time go? It was back to work last week after two weeks holidays and I find that I did very little. Usually holidays are my p...