Tuesday 16 April 2024

nearly all done

Holidays are over sadly but it's been a great week for labels and binding with some finishes to tick off the list.

Basket case is a big finish, label sewn on too...

The back is my attempt at a Liberty quilt but I wasn't quite happy with it so it made a perfect backing.

Tilda's Hometown  (adjusted) is done and will be gifted to a work friend.
This was quilted by a novice quilter friend. The larger quilting design has made it very soft, just like a handquilted quilt.

Don't these labels look pretty on their quilts?

Things will slow down, productivity wise but rest assured there will be crafting being done. 

Have a great day



  1. The basket quilt is gorgeous, love it. Nice labels.

  2. Basket Case - stunning! I am without words!
    I also love the flowers in the pots - such a neat quilt!

  3. Lovely finishes Marina and the labels are just gorgeous. xx

    1. thankyou Lin x, it seems I can't reply to your email.... are you having issues?

  4. Beautiful quilts Marina, the labels are lovely. Sue.

  5. Lovely, lovely finishes. Your work is beautiful.
    And gorgeous backings, too.
    There is so much work in the basket quilt, but so worth it.
    I really like the effect created by the quilting in Hometown. More stunning stitching.
    Damn those holidays finishing. Very inconvenient.

  6. two more fabulous quilts done, I do love a pieced backing .....

  7. Beautiful finishes - good on you labelling so well! Great idea to use your 'not so loved' quilt as a backing!

  8. couple of great finishes there Marina.....well done..........

  9. Your labels and backings are every bit as wonderful as the fronts!!! I am a bad girl and don't take the time to do labels. Perhaps I should make it my 2025 goal to label all the quilts in my house.
    I have all the records to do them. I am just too anxious to start something else to take time to label.



 Boy where does time go? It was back to work last week after two weeks holidays and I find that I did very little. Usually holidays are my p...