Tuesday 9 April 2024

Another Tick....

 The past few days I have been busy sewing down binding on my completed quilts. Which led to another job, that of sewing labels. 

I have quite a few quilts without labels but have a lot of doilies that I have collected to use as labels for my quilts so....... it was time to get to it!

The binding for this lovely got done. Trying to use from my stash so the binding was made from some greyish tilda that was in my stash. Not unhappy with it I must say, roughly half the binding is in each fabric.

two of my favourite blocks.....

Here is my little collection of labels ready to sew them on as you can see by the dates some are long overdue for their labels.
 I must say my stitching is a little higgledy piggledy but I can live with it. On other quilts I just used a pigma pen to write on the doilies and I always feel I was being a little lazy so I went the whole hog with these and stitched them, the stitching got neater with each label.

Do you always label your quilts straight away?

Just one more quilt to sew the binding down on and then that's it for my 2024 finishes so far. Gotta be happy with that!

Have a great day



  1. Beautiful finish Marina. I always embroider my name and date direct to the quilt straight after I finish the binding - otherwise it would never get done! xx

  2. Hello Marina. I am real bad at labeling my quilts, in fact, I don't. My blog is my record I suppose.
    I have had some Christmas fabric for years to make that same Dresdon quilt. Love it!

  3. That is a beautiful quilt Marina and wonderful idea for the labels. I try to label each quilt as I go, sewing them into the binding, but they are plain labels not lovely ones like yours!!

  4. Well done on the completion of your beautiful quilt, Marina. No, I've not always been very diligent with labels - unles I am gifting the quilt - and keep telling myself I need to do them. Thank goodness I have my blog to look up the finishing dates! That's a lovely idea to use the doilies as labels.

  5. Absolutely stunning quilt Marina and I love your labels.... I am guilty of very seldom adding labels... but when I do it is usually at the time its done as it is sent off ... and they are never as pretty as yours...

  6. Oh your quilt is gorgeous and I love the Dresdens around the stitcheries. I love your doiley labels. They are my favourite to use. A special 2nd life for them. I usually do mine straight away but I haven't stitched them like you...beautiful xx

  7. What a delightful quilt. All that embroidery - wow! I love the way the binding fabric catches my eye and draws me into the center. Very cute! Your labels, I'm breathless. They are so lovely. I wish I went to that much work on my labels. I just use a Micro pen on a selected label from label yardage and put my name and date. Your labels are just so charming.

  8. That is a lovely finish for your quilt. It is a satisfying feeling getting the binding done. The blocks are delightful.
    And well done with all your labels. They look great. Such a lovely idea.
    I am not good with labels so I do admire your planning.

  9. Just so beautiful. It is inspiring me to at least cut my Christmas one out. We shall see.

  10. Previous comment from dreamworthyquilts.blogspot.com.

  11. gorgeous finish............labels.........need to get better with them...........

  12. So gorgeous! Love how you embroidered the centers!



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