Wednesday 30 September 2020

lots of sewing

These holidays together with the lockdown have been great for productivity!
Now I need a new project like I need another hole in the head but I wanted to play around with my stash of 1930's fabrics.
I love shoo fly blocks and decided to have a go. It started out as just making one to see, but an error in cutting size meant I could make two.....
this lead to..... cutting out pieces to make lots more.. till the backing fabric ran out.
This is using stash fabrics so it's a big bonus and sort of evens out the new stuff I have bought.

the past few days have seen some nine patch blocks added to the pile. I have about 30 now so had a little play around to see how they'd go together. This isn't the final arrangement but it is fun to shuffle them around

It seems that scarf pins are a bit of a fashion item at the moment and I found a lady on etsy that custom made two for me from wood. I just sent her the silhouette that I wanted and she took it from there.

they look great even with a fabric scarf, definitely give them an outing once I get back to work.

I had a little company in the sewing cave this afternoon. Miss sneaky Poppy came to find me while I was cutting out. She hides under the desk in case Hub comes looking for her. She enjoyed a little nap and got to use my blanket to keep warm. 
She does have a hard life!

hope you are having a great week



  1. Lovely collection of blocks Marina, you have been super busy. How cute is Poppy, she just wanted to be with her Mum ❤❤ your scarf pins are beautiful, ideal for you.

  2. Sweet Miss Poppy sure loves her comfort! All snuggled down in a Lucy pattern afghan too. Aren't those scarf pins gorgeous. Having a black Lab, one of those is in my future!
    Beautiful blocks, as always to be seen when visiting you. Happy Stitching!

  3. oooh the happenings in your sewing room look wonderful... there is something wonderful about lots of repeat blocks.... love those scarf pins.... great idea...

  4. Sometimes simplicity is the best - your nine patches look great like that. I love the scarf pins. xx

  5. It feels so good to create from our stash and it makes us feel just a little bit smug...well does me! Love the nine Patch there a perhaps a little applique going in between them? Poppy is adorable and thats there job to be spoilt wnd cute! I love your scarf pins xx

  6. The shoo fly books look lovely. That is going to turn into a lovely project. And the 9 patches have grown into a very useful bundle.
    The scarf pins are a delightful idea and look great.


Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...