Tuesday 10 April 2018

Off to the quilters...

Yesterday I got the borders sewn on a poor ufo that was sitting in the drawer.

Borders On...

This is it for this stash of fabric. I think I made four quilts from this stash and that's enough. The left overs have gone to a loving home

Seeing I didn't go to the quilt show I decided I was entitled to a little retail therapy so while I was at Jemima's dropping off the top and needing only another metre of the french general cream fabric...... I decided to supplement my red and pink stash as there are quite a few flowers in Celebrating Mary Brown and I needed to have some new fabrics..... some medium blues will be next on my list.
Aren't they delicious!

Making the most of this last week.....



  1. Pretty fabrics! Lovely quilt and well deserved retail therapy.

  2. A very pretty finish. Shopping is always good & fun too

  3. Beautiful quilt and great fabrics!

  4. I do love the fabrics you used for the quilt top...Looks very fresh.
    Nice FG fabrics for "Celebrating Mary Brown"

  5. The border fabric is beautiful and frames the quilt perfectly. What a beautiful quilt! Those new fabrics are very pretty, too.

  6. beautiful quilt! love those new additions to the stash too

  7. Just gorgeous! Those borders are perfect - really make it shine.

  8. your quilt top looks great with the border added.. will be good to have it all done. Lovely new fabrics for your next one... I always think yoi are so clever with your fabric choices...

  9. Gorgeous quilt top. Love your fabrics from your retail therapy. So pretty.

  10. What a beautiful quilt! And your new stash would make anyone happy. So happy stitching....

  11. Well done on the finish, your quilt looks beautiful! Wonderful fabric choices there..lots of happy stitching ahead for you! Enjoy this week.

  12. More drooling on my keypad lol! Gorgeous ufo and of course love your retail therapy xx

  13. What a beautiful top to leave lying around without borders! It will be interesting to see how it is quilted. Gorgeous FG fabrics - I really must treat myself to some more. xx

  14. How great to see it going to the quilters!! And of course you are entitled to some retail therapy.

  15. Yippee is nearly finished. .... Love the shopping......

  16. Gorgeous quilt top. Love your fabrics from your retail therapy. So pretty.


  17. Your applique quilt is very pretty. And so are the new fabrics added to stash. It always makes me feel good to be able to add a few new pieces here and there.


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