Monday 22 January 2018

Happiness is...

Happiness is spending time with these beautiful Ladies!
All the problems of the world disappear and are drowned out by laughter and comeraderie.
we could probably solve the problems of the world if we put our  minds to it.
Of course the road trip is such a hoot too....but what goes on in the car stays in the car! might I add it was a beautifully cleaned car for the occasion. I won't have to clean it again for the rest of the year it had such a good scrub inside and out.
Thanks to the gorgeous Sue for hosting us.

l-r yours truly, Robyn, Anne, Marg, Sue (standing), Tracee, Elyte and Annie
 thought I would share a close up of the blocks I personalised for my Gossip in the garden...
This Chocolate block is one from Anni's quilt design My favourite things. We used to eat so much chocolate at work.... probably comfort eating more than anything lol

 ......there was also lots of cake, cake, cake and talk, talk, talk..... I know you are surprised...

I Changed the border around the centre as I couldn't master the blocks of the original and I felt it needed a bit of 'space' as the quilt is so busy. Also added another cup cake... can never have too many cupcakes-well that was our philosophy at work. Can you see a pattern here, no wonder I gained the weight over a long period.
 nope, didn't change this one .... love it though
 I simplified the border a bit to give some more neutral space and added the scalloped border to frame it.
 here's another pic, look away if you're sick of seeing it lol
Sue's pic has more light and shows up the fabrics better.

Well thanks for hanging in there.....and thanks for visiting and leaving such lovely comments on my previous post.
will be back soon to show my finishes for 2017.


  1. Love the blocks & your quilt is beautiful. Hugs, xx

  2. Hi Marina... belated 2018 wishes to you! Oh wow, your Gossip quilt has turned out beautifully... love the way you've added your own touches... such pretty colours & oh it's just wonderful. Conratulations!

  3. Looks like a perfect time to me. I love that you changed the blocks to suit your group. Lovely!

  4. What a sweet quilt! I love the 'cake, cake, talk, talk' part. We used to have a little patient at the nursing home who accused us girls of "talk talk talk' all the time. We adored him. I love that your quilt has so much meaning.

  5. So good to see you all together. I miss seeing you all.

  6. It was wonderful having you ladies here, we always have such a fun time, your quilt is stunning Marina, never get tired of seeing pictures. Good to hear the car stayed clean....😆😆

  7. Love chocolate and cake and talking and birds and the colour orange and lunching with friends ... Love it all and the quilt too.

  8. It's beautiful Marina - lovely memories too. xx

  9. Lovely get together for you all. Such a great piccie of you all. I love your Gossip quilt. Such a special memory of your work mates. Your stitching is beautiful xx

  10. A lovely day and I can imagine the hilarity and friendliness going on... YOur quilt is just lovely and well done with the additions which are just perfect for it...

  11. Just love your version of Gossip!! I did not enjoy making the stars for the center border - love your appliqué alternative. Thanks for showing the individual touches throughout your gorgeous quilt.

  12. Always nice to spend time with the ladies chatting and a bit of stitching.

    Such a beautiful quilt.

  13. Great group of girls.... Wished I was a fly on the wall sometimes.......


Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...