Friday 2 April 2021

monsters galore!

 Lots of monsters have been appearing and I have been loving bringing them to life. All of them are done and now to arrange them on a background.

While shopping at Spotlight this week I picked up a clearance fabric that will look fantastic as a background. I am debating whether to put aside the cream background and go with the cream and black.  the fabric was only $10 a metre but there was 40% off so it came down to $6 per metre and the rest of the bolt came home with me!

See what you think...

Block two of  Baltimore blocks done. Loving working on these.

I received a beautiful Email this week from a very sweet Lady called Pam that lives in the UK.

She paid me such a beautiful compliment by saying one of my projects had inspired her to make the same style quilt, and how much she enjoyed my posts.

 Thankyou so much Pam, your email made my day.

Blogging gives you the opportunity to make that extra connection rather than just a 'like' .  That's why I started blogging really, way back when ... as it was a great way to connect with other inspiring crafty people.  A lot of whom have become face to face friends as well.

School holidays have started so stay tuned to more regular posting, fingers crossed.

Happy sewing 



  1. OH how I love your monsters! So much fun! Your floral applique is just so lovely.

  2. The fantastic Monsters look great on the cream and black spot and what a bargain too.
    Beautiful block.
    Yes I agree blogging is much better to connect with folk than social media....

  3. I do love those monsters and well done with the backing find.... I don't go off across town to our local spottie very often... maybe I should! I totally agree about blogging, my favourite social media... I would not have met you ....
    Have a lovely Easter... how is the princess?

  4. Crazy cute monsters and a beautiful block. Happy holidays xx

  5. The monsters are wonderful. And i do like the cream and black background. That was a good bargain.
    The Baltimore block is gorgeous.I am not at all surprised by the lovely compliment.

  6. I always love a spotty fabric! Gorgeous Baltimore block - enjoy the holidays. xx

  7. Fantastic collection of monsters, that backing is great and a wonderful bargain to boot! Your Baltimore block is beautiful. I too have made many wonderful friendships through blogging, we have been lucky to have many a laughter filled lunch too. Enjoy the holidays.

  8. the monsters look the block.....and how special is that email.......yes it is the interaction other then a like that is why i love pleased we have met also........


Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...