Sunday 3 July 2016

latest Caswell and a spot of reading

thought I would update with the latest Caswell block so I don't have photo overload like last post.
I forgot to include a completed block last post and there is also a new block to show and tell.

latest finish...

Had a lovely day with the city girls at craft group. Seems like ages since we have gotten together....
Some more socialising planned for this week. Gotta get as much fun as I can in before it's back to the grind.
Picked up this book at Big W.... I've only just started it but I thought it was going to be funnier but we'll see how it goes. Putting my new book mark into some use too.

 Beautiful sunny day here in Melbourne with a slight breeze..... perfect for the line full of clothes to get dried by.
why is it that when you are home the washing seems to never end but when I'm at work it seems to slowly accumulate for the weekend? hmmm seems the washing, cleaning and tidying fairies are taking a break too?
Hope your weekend has been a good one.
....back with another Caswell soon.


  1. Hello Marina,

    Your blocks are just like a beautiful garden. I think we have a perception that a person is funny in film they will be in books also. It will be interesting to see a review after you finish it. Enjoy that sunshine.

    Happy days.

  2. Beautiful blocks Marina! You sure are a skilled applique-ist. (Is that a word?) Hugs, H

  3. Your blocks are beautiful Marina...enjoy your new read xx

  4. You do such gorgeous stitching on your blocks...
    Nice to have had a day with the girls in town..
    Hope the book improves as you read...

  5. Hi Marina
    Oh I do love your new header... well done!
    The Caswell blocks are coming along beautifully... gosh I always think that type of applique is so much work, but of course worth it in the end.
    Enjoy your book!

  6. I am in total awe of your beautiful applique. Hmm, interesting book. I know she wrote children's books and permaculture type books but was not aware of this one. Hope you enjoy it.

  7. Oops! I was thinking of Jackie French lol. Well, it is midnight! Dawn French should be a good read. Sorry about that.

  8. Your caswell is coming along nicely! I also made the caswell and used some of the same fabrics! So needless to say, I liked your color choices.

  9. Your Caswell blocks continue to come together beautifully, Marina.

  10. your blocks are so lovely... and interesting backgrounds with them. I like that. Happy reading... happy holidays...

  11. The blocks look great! And so beautifully appliqued.

  12. Beautiful blocks Marina. Hugs, xx

  13. These blocks are lovely. They look great.

  14. Beautiful blocks Marina. Please bring for show and tell on weds. Looking forward to our sewing day.

  15. Enjoyed catching up on Saturday. Wish you had brought those blocks to show. I promise to admire from a distance although the temptation to "borrow" will be great.

  16. The blocks are so lovely - what a beautiful quilt this will be.

  17. Hi Marina,wow i always love seeing your work,its always so beautiful ,well done my friend .....

  18. More neautifjl blocks, this quilt is going to be stunning. I read that book but didn't find it very funny, maybe my expectations were too high!! 😊


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...