Thursday 7 April 2016

Is it too soon.....

.......for me to share some more blocks from the Caswell quilt.....?
this is block 2
 block 3
 here are some more applique papers prepared and ready....
 here's the first applique block for my Hopscotch quilt. lovely and fresh..
Lots of happy sewing days have been on the agenda..... Last sunday was spent with the city girls catching up with Shez and some of the other usual suspects like Barb, Cheryl and new friend Karen and of course a contingent of the Gisborne girls. What a wonderful day!

Today I had a lovely day sewing with Liz, Rosalie, Karin and Mum. We had a lovely day chatting and laughing but there was also some stitching. I worked on the second hopscotch block and fixing up some reverse sewing required on the no 2 Caswell block. Couldn't work out why the two red flowers didn't look quite right then  realised I had sewn the centres back to front!  so off they came and they look much better now, as in the pic.
Another sewing day tomorrow with the city girls and a special visitor....
More of that next post. Looking forward to a last catch up before it's back to routine next week....
But I'm sure all this  happiness will keep me going for a while!
Hope some happy sewing is happening your way....


  1. The blocks are wonderful!! You really have made the most of your sewing days with friends!

  2. Never to soon to show some more...........they are beautiful..... Some great times with friends.... Wonderful.....

  3. Your Caswell and Hopscotch appliqué blocks are just gorgeous... Sew pleased you are enjoying sewing them with lots of lovely ladies.....

  4. gorgeous blocks! especially love block 3

  5. Sounds like you are having a great time and making the most of the school holidays. I agree it is always fun to get together with friends to sew. Your blocks are so beautiful.

  6. Love your Caswell blocks! I would love to make that quilt someday!

  7. Hi Marina,wow your blocks are amazing my friend,I love them,I am so glad you enjoyed the sit and sew day at my place,it was fun catching up with you all.
    I hope to meet Liz soon and to catch up with the lovely Rosalie,thankyou for sharing those gorgeous blocks my friend xx

  8. never too soon to share such stunning work Marina... just gorgeous!

  9. No wonder you're feeling happy, so much gorgeous stitching! And sewing days with friends too, just perfect.

  10. The blocks are gorgeous. Hugs,xx

  11. Never too soon to share more of your beautiful blocks!!! They are amazing!! Was wonderful to catch up last weekend and have more fun and laughter. Enjoy as many sewing days as you can before school starts once again.

  12. I really love your blocks. Great to see all the gals even if it is just a pic.

  13. Of course you are feeling happy after creating something so beautiful. Enjoy your sewing day tomorrow.


  14. Never! Love seeing them and they are beautiful. Hopscotch is a beauty too. It's lovely stitching with friends x

  15. Gosh you are making some pretty blocks - lovely colours and fabrics. Time with friends is always good. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  16. Never too soon as your blocks are lovely. Such gorgeous colours. Sounds like you are having a great stitchy time with friends. xx

  17. Never too soon to see more of your lovely blocks - great colours. Sounds like you are having lovely stitchy time with friends. xx

  18. Love block 3 of caswell quilt. Great day yesterday. Here's to the next school hold.

  19. Gorgeous blocks there is nothing better than stitching with friends 💖

  20. Can't believe how much you've done on these two gorgeous quilts already Marina. they are both looking amazing. Such a lovely day at Shez's and wonderful to catch up with you

  21. Marina, love the blocks for the caswell quilt do you use the freezer paper on top or underneath? the blocks you have done are so perfect & how do you decide how much to make of the bias?
    regards Simone

  22. Your Caswell blocks are just stunning, and I love the simplicity and sweetness of your Hopscotch block!! Hugs, H

  23. You do beautiful applique , these blocks are gorgeous !

  24. most certainly not too early - and they look just amazing as does Hopscotch.... looks like a fun day was had ...

  25. Looks like a great day with friends. Sorry I missed it but I liked my cruise too much....

  26. What a lovely applique blocks. What will you do with al the quilts you made?

  27. They are absolutely beautiful!

  28. I just love the fabrics in both of these quilts, and your stitching is beautiful. What wonderful keepsakes they will be!

  29. hello Marina, it's a long time ! but now I'm here again, beautiful work you did and does ! I'll follow you again.... wish you a lovely and sunny Carine

  30. Love your appliqué, very inspiring.


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...