Sunday 26 July 2015

No more steps, just jump!

After a morning out and about, this afternoon I was itching for some fabric fondling.
Yesterday afternoon I got out the backing fabric for my tribute to Lucy kemper project and cut, cut, cut!
When I bought the fabric there was less than 3 metres left on the bolt but the lovely sales assistant worked out if this would be enough and it was thankfully.
So the backgrounds were cut and next step to arrange and collect my blues from my stash...
So pretty but would I have the courage to attempt to cut them and arrange them for the first block
 Well the answer is yes! When that inspirational lightning bolt hits there is no dodging it.
Like Ben Franklin flying his kite
The photo isn't quite true to colour as the above photo is a better pic of the colours. It is also missing the stems.
I wanted to have a go at balancing out the dark, medium and light fabrics and I am pretty happy with the results. If I had had the correct bias tape it would've been stuck down and my block would be on it's way!
A trip to spotlight will be in order this week.
Would love some feedback on what you think of my shade choices as I feel a little out of my depth.

The wintery weather doesn't encourage many flowers in the garden but our trusty Camelias are putting on a great show. 
Here are some of the blooms that are adding colour to our garden at the moment.

 this flower has some blooms that are as large as a large bread and butter plate.

well that's another weekend done and dusted.....
I'm off to work on my blueberry ripple blanket as I am definitely on the home stretch.
Have a great week


  1. Good for you...I am very proud that you have finally dived into your stash of blues. Gorgeous flowers, my fave would be your last shot.

  2. I love all the blues! I think you've done a beautiful job. Your flowers are very pretty. Dh planted a Camellia, but it got off to a very slow start this year, after nearly dying over the winter. Not sure if we'll get flowers this year or not.

  3. Love your block. Your colour choices are lovely. Glorious Camellias. Hugs,xx

  4. Beautiful blooms and a wonderful new project.

  5. I think your shade choices are great....Beautiful block. What a feast for the eyes are your gorgeous camellias.

  6. your sewing looks great and I love all those blues.... It looks great to me but I have sometimes taken the picture in black and white to compare the tones .... not sure if that was what you meant...
    The camellias are just lovely... sadly they don't like the black soil we have here...

  7. Love your block Marina, the colours are perfect! The camelias are amazing too, we have one tree here and one next door that shares its flowers!! Have a great week.

  8. Hi Marina,wow that block is amazing in the blues you are so clever and boy those camellias are just stunning,yep the weekends go so fast xx

  9. OOO!!! your camelias are just so pretty.
    Love those blue fabrics and your block so far. I like the fussy cut vase.

  10. Good that you jumped in with both feet! Go with "if you like the colours, it is fine" I like what you have done.

  11. Your balance of light and dark looks good although I would love to see better representation of the colour - difficult I know. Lovely colour in your garden. Have a good week. xx

  12. Beautiful camelias. Thought you were getting ready for dessert with a blueberry ripple lol.

  13. Definitely on the right track with the blues. Will the stems be darker? I like how you fussy cut the vase. Let me know if you need some more scraps of blue.

  14. Such pretty fabrics Susan and love the block. Your camellias are so pretty

  15. Sorry I meant Marina - tired - can you tell

  16. Love your block and fabric choises!!

  17. LOVE your camelias - just beautiful and so is your new block. The blues are so pretty.


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