Monday 22 June 2015

some pretty pictures..

Nothing much happening here, quilting is filling most of the crafting time I get. 
I am working on the end panels of my Park Avenue quilt. I am quilting a lattice design and I am liking the effect.
I had quilted around the wool applique but decided to unquilt it as there were too many uneven and puckered parts. 
As I wasn't well I didn't stay at applique class last week, just popped in long enough to pick up the pattern and any tips that might help. I still haven't started mine as I can't seem to find my bias maker. I'll get to it this week hopefully. In the meantime I have some pics of the rest of Mum's Once upon a time blocks and her baltimore blocks. She has gone great guns with her recent block. I think she is going to leave me for dead this month.
block for June

the lovely princess...
the frog prince and regal accessories.. There are two of each block.
Won't be long and mum will be sewing them together.
Hopefully next post there will be some progress on one of my projects...
have a great week


  1. Hi Marina,wow what beautiful work,i am loving all your blocks,hope you are keeping warm my friend,its freezing here and blowing a gale.xx

  2. Happy belated Birthday Marina....

    Mums blocks are gorgeous and the Once Upon A Times ones are very cute.

  3. Gorgeous sewing of your Mum's. Hope you are feeling better x

  4. Love your mum's blocks, they are so neat. Lots of work in those once upon a time blocks!

  5. Oh those beautiful blocks make my heart happy...hopefully you are feeling better xx

  6. Wow some very beautiful blocks !!

  7. Your mum does such beautiful work, all the blocks are gorgeous!

  8. Your Mum's blocks look wonderful, Marina. My favourite is the flowers in the vase.

  9. Hello Marina,

    Lovely blocks, that frog is so cute.

    Have a great week.

    Happy days.

  10. Your mum is going great guns! Hope you are feeling better.

  11. Those blocks are beautiful your Mum's too, she is doing so well. Are you feeling better now? Best to be in good health for the holidays!!

  12. Great work Marina's Mum! Beautiful. xx

  13. Wow! You're both making great headway with your blocks.

  14. Your Mom's blocks are wonderful... I love the bold colouring she has used... brings out the pictures beautifully...

  15. Your Mom's blocks are wonderful... I love the bold colouring she has used... brings out the pictures beautifully...

  16. The blocks are all lovely. I hope you feel better and get time to catch up.

  17. Lovely blocks Marina, compliments and regards to your mum. See you soon.

  18. Simply gorgeous and sooooooo neatly sewn! Hope you feel better soon :)

  19. What a gorgeous blocks you made.
    And I love the blocks of the princess quilt.

  20. Wow lots of work going on there. They all look great.


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...