Sunday 18 January 2015

sewing merrily along..

Well the relationship with Sweet William seems to be ambling along perfectly now. Those difficult times seem so long ago.......
I have a grand total of 13 baskets sewn so far and they are all of a uniform size. I am quite over the moon about this! A new 'Sweet William' page on my blog has all the photos of each block. There are another 8 to be made up in this batch then I will start to do some of the appliqueing. On Friday I got very organised and sorted all the patterns and applique bits that I had started to prepare, into a folder so that I will be uber-organised with this project now that I am in love with it once more.  (I think Elyte may have unleashed a monster)
Lesson-Never underestimate the power of the light bulb moment. Sometimes you just need someone to flip the switch.
 here are the latest blocks...

 On Friday I had a day out to Gisborne with Liz, Rosalie and mum. We had a great visit to Patch and Quilt, lunch at the new cafe a few doors up which we can happily recommend, then afternoon tea with lovely Karin from Kilmore quilters. Karin couldn't make the road trip so we detoured to visit.
Liz brought me two lovely gifties- one was this gorgeous pin cushion. It has already found a special place on my pincushion shelf. I love it and the colours are perfect, Liz knows my love of blues well.
 She also made this beautiful little angel ornament. It is so pretty. It has joined my treasures from crafty friends. It may go on the tree next year or just stay in my sewing room all year round.

Yesterday I had a great day with three of my nieces. 11 y/o twins and their 16 y/o sister. They are such wonderful girls. We made gnocchi together and then they asked me to teach them to crochet.
Well three students at once was a bit full on but I got them started with chain stitch. I told them once they perfect that we will move onto the next part of crocheting. They happily took yarn and hooks home to practice. I'm so happy to pass on some craftiness!
Needless to say once they went home I needed a big rest..... I did enjoy the girlie time a lot.
Well the sewing machine beckons, I need to make as much use of this holiday time as I can as it will end soon.
happy sewing!


  1. Never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate the results of our quiet little sewing day. I knew you could do it.
    Great sewing results for this social butterfly.

  2. Hello Marina,

    Your day out sounds so relaxing. love the gifts
    you received. light bulb moments are amazing, you will have this quilt finished before you know it. Gnocchi making then teaching three girls to crochet is there no end to your super powers. I remember our kids having metres and metres of chain crochet and running around the home.

    happy days.

  3. Thank you for a lovely day on Friday Marina, it was great to catch up, and to see your sewing room.
    Your baskets are looking great.
    Watch out for the postie !!!
    Hugs R.

  4. Hi Marina sounds like the perfect day out and sounds like you had fun with your girls,lovely baskets my friend xx.

  5. Love the blocks so pleased you had a good day xx

  6. Your new blocks look great. I'm sure you're itching to start the applique.sweet little pin cushion. Sounds like a fun day with your nieces too.

  7. You came to Gisborne and we didn't know?????? How did you manage that???? So good to hear you and Sweet William are so happy together...Elyte worked her magic in relationship repair!! The blocks are wonderful!
    Lovely to have fun with the girls and crochet lessons.

  8. Lovely day out and lovely gifts too. Your baskets are wonderful x

  9. so glad to see that William is still your Man, Marina!

  10. Your baskets are loking great now and I love the little pincushion. It is so good to pass on our skills - my little (step) grandaughter had her first sewing lesson at Christmas which reminds me that I must share the pictures. xx

  11. So good to hear you and sweet William are back on speaking terms LOL. Sounds like a lovely day out with friends and then to top it off you got to spend time with your precious niece's who wanted to learn to crochet as an added bonus, it's lovely to hear that the next generation are wanting to learn to make things with their hands :) Barb.

  12. sounds like a lovely busy holidays is being had.... well done for teaching 3 at once...

  13. What a lovely time you've had! Your blocks are lovely.

  14. Hooray for Elyte...and now you have beautiful baskets.

  15. Great day on Friday and those blocks are looking fabulous. Glad you and William are friends again!

  16. Your baskets are so pretty , way to go ! Love the gifts from your friend and sounds like you had a lovely day with the girls .

  17. Well done Elyte for turning on that light for you :) Your baskets are coming up a treat! Lovely gifts, such a gorgeous angel :) Wonderful to have so much girlie time:)


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...