Tuesday 15 April 2014

Project list progresses...

These holidays are just passing too quickly but I have been making the very most of them....
Today I went with my friend to see The Grand Budapest Hotel. The reviews have been good and it has so many wonderful actors that I just had to see it. After all Margaret Pomeranz gave it a 5 star rating!
I am so glad I went I think it was a fantastic movie, quirky, funny and very sweet.
The only distraction I found was watching Ralph Fiennes playing a great character beautifully but I kept seeing Lord Voldemort when he spoke! Once I got over that I loved his performance. All the other characters were wonderful too. Would happily see it again.

Luckily I have been having lots of time to dedicate to crafting too and I have made a tick next to every item on my list that I shared last month on my blog.  Some projects needed to be completed and others just needed some progress.
All those ticks encouraged me to start my new project Live, laugh, love quilt by Viv's Creations that I bought from Mrs Martins quilt shop at the Monbulk show. I made a start on the weekend and I have completed my first complete block . That little box on the side contains a stash of little berries. I am hoping that I have cut out enough for all the blocks. I am so happy with the finished block. It is stitched on Linen and I have used felted wool for the baskets and berries.

My first items I will share from my list are my Sweet stitches minis. One has been completed and the second has had borders added and is now basted ready for quilting and the third needed to be finished stitching.
quilted and bound
stitching done

a group shot.. one last one to stitch, that can be for next month's list.

love my pile of minis.

Mr Boo with his borders.
Another project was to complete a blanket of love to Send to Cheryll. It was posted over a week ago and has been received by Cheryll. I have enjoyed making these little blankets for her so much. 

Well that's enough photos for this post.
Next time I will share the rest of my project progresses.
Hope you are all having a great week!


  1. Looks like a fabulous movie..
    You have done really well with your list.
    Great pile of minis there and your block looks great.
    I do like Mr Boo!!

  2. What a lovely collection of minis, you will enjoy those for many years I'm sure. Your blanket of love is a very sweet treasure too. Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

  3. You make the most amazing things Marina,well done.xx

  4. Oh Marina, I love your box of berries. Linen and wool sounds delicious.
    That film looks like one I have to see.

  5. Wow they all looking so lovely..
    Pretty projects ..
    Big hugs x

  6. now that is a nice pile of berries in that container. Love that block.I am way behind on my sweet stitches blocks but hopefully I will pull one out soon to work on. Great job on completing your kits.

  7. wow, you have been a very busy lady! All your mini quilts look so very cute.

  8. You certainly have a lovely collection of mini's Marina.

  9. Oh my goodness! You certainly are making the most of the holidays ... well done!
    Beautiful projects ... you've inspired me to go forth and sew! :)

  10. Your new project is just perfect... I love the wool colours in there... and your pile of mini's is so great.. they are all so beautifully made too...
    such a pretty baby quilt... so special...
    I would like to see that movie.. Ralph Fiennes is a relative... his great great grandfather is the same as mine (something like that)

  11. Hello Marina,

    Great to hear about the movie, I was reading a review the other day and it was good.
    Love that wool piece,these are going to be stunning.
    The mini's look great gathered together.
    Enjoy the holidays.

  12. So much gorgeous stitching, and congratulations on getting a tick next to every item on your list. Just love all your projects, and your new quilt is looking so lovely too. Happy Easter Marina! xx

  13. And I forgot to say, thanks for the film recommendation, sounds great, will definitely try and see it!

  14. What a great holiday break. I'm looking forward to seeing that film. I love all your minis and that blanket of love is gorgeous.

  15. Love all your work and the minis look great. DS2 was interested in the movie review as he would like to see it. Do you think I could persuade him to take me?

  16. You are a machine finishing all those wonderful MiNi's. Lovely blanket of love was received and gratefully accepted.
    Thank You once again. :)

  17. I love your little minis. I think I have some of those patterns stashed to make sometime. And your new block is lovely too.

  18. A lovely collection of minis and time well spent catching up with UFO's. I must look out for that film. xx

  19. You've got lots done, I love your pile of minis - gorgeous! Your new block with the wool is gorgeous too.

  20. Love the finished block! And your pile of mini's! Boo looks fantastic!
    The BOL is so cute!

  21. Look at all those projects. Good luck with your new Viv quilt. Looks lovely.
    I adore all those wonderful minis you have made.
    Thanks for the film recommendation.

  22. Love the little pile of minis, especially the one you just finished...sweet Blanket of Love...


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...