Saturday 8 March 2014

just quilting along...

This morning I dropped off my Swan Lake top to the quilter's to be custom quilted. After some exciting ideas from Leanne we have pretty well settled on the design and I can't wait till it comes back to me.
A trip to the Monbulk quilt show next week is in order so that I can check out a quilt with hexies that Leanne has just finished, just so that I can be sure of the style of quilting I want. Have already talked hub into making the trip with me, a nice lunch is promised and will make a lovely day out.

Since finishing my bom projects and Swan Lake I have concentrated on smaller projects.
Just can't seem to find something new to inspire me in the way of a larger quilt so am putting that unused inspiration into other things.
Lots of time is being spent on trying to hand quilt my park avenue hexies and my quilted crow runner.
Boy does hand quilting take time!

  A little gift for a friend's birthday got made and remade. After not tracing the design with enough care I redid the whole thing and kept the 'faulty' one for myself.  It's amazing how things turn out neater when you take a bit more care....who would have figured?
( this is a freebie on sew mama sew's blog)

some more little houses have popped up.. bringing the total close to fifty!

last but not least some small cross stitch projects have filled in some time.
Not sure what these will become but there are some ideas milling around the empty spaces of my mind.
 the colours for this one aren't very clear but it is a lovely muted blue.

Now I might see if I can tackle some half square triangles this afternoon
With a long weekend this weekend I am adamant there will be crafting!
I definitely need to make a list of to do's.....
Hope you have a great weekend


  1. I'm sure Leanne is going to do an amazing job on your quilt Marina. Lots of other lovely projects happening too.

  2. You have beautiful taste in projects, I love them all. The hoops are great.....I can't see anything wrong with either of them. Lovely cross stitch, those small designs are so enticing. Enjoy your long weekend, hope you gets lots of stitching time.

  3. Your little cross stitch pieces are lovely - interesting to see what they turn into. Yes, hand quilting is slow but I still prefer the finished effect. However, I do find it's best done in the winter by the fire and do far more by machine than by hand. Have a good weekend. xx

  4. Bet you can't wait to see your quilt. Love your hand quilting and such a lovely project. Enjoy your show!

  5. I'm sure your 'faulty' stitchery could hold it's own :o)
    Wow ... 50 sweet little houses!
    Love your x stitches and look forward to seeing what you create with them.
    Happy Sewing.

  6. You may not have found inspiration for a large quilt but you've certainly been busy with smaller projects...everything is lovely...maybe see you at the Monbulk Show next Saturday...

  7. Maybe I will meet you at the monbulk craft show if you ae there early. Ask karen if she has seen me.

  8. Hello Marina, I am so inspired by all your projects that I just HAVE to go and stitch now! Can't wait to see how your quilt turns out.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  9. lots of crafting on your end and NONE on mine. Tomorrow!!!! Enjoy the show.

  10. Hi Marina - wow lots going on for you!
    I am sure the quilting will be just perfect for the quilt...
    You are quite the land-lady with all your darling little cottages, beautiful!! x

  11. So exciting to be at the quilting stage! Can't wait to see the finished quilt and isn't it such a big decision choosing the quilting pattern.

  12. I am looking forward to seeing Swan Lake after Leanne does her magic.
    I hope you are enjoy the hand quilting despite the time taken. It always looks great when finished.
    Enjoy Monbulk. Maybe your next project will be waiting for you there. I am hoping to get to Castlemaine for the appliqué exhibition.
    Your needlework is always perfect, even when you don't think it is!
    Your village is becoming a town! The houses look so cute altogether.

  13. Looks like you are keeping busy even if you aren't inspired to do a big project. Lovely items! I especially like your cross stitches.

  14. wow marina you sure have been busy,such beautiful work,well done.xx

  15. Hi Marina, wow, so much gorgeous stitching, I love it all - especially the stitching you have done for your friend, and your cross stitching, just beautiful. Looking forward to seeing your Swan Lake quilted. See you soon x

  16. Hi Marina, wow, you have been so productive, and all such beautiful projects. I really l love all your stitching projects, just so gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing your Swan Lake quilted. See you soon x

  17. So much stitching since I last visited lol. Love it all and especially your houses. I might have to have a bit of a stitch again soon as I am starting to miss it a bit.

  18. Lovely projects! Stitchery is so cute!


  19. yes, hand quilting does take time but so worth it.
    I made several of those hoop embroidery. they work up quick


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