Saturday 15 February 2014

rain, glorious rain!

Well the rain has arrived today and it is most welcome too!
Since the fires last Sunday we have been living in a horrible haze all week, with unpleasant humidity to boot.
Today is the first day this week that you could actually see the clouds and the prospect of a clearing sky.
Some more rain would be wonderful but I am grateful for what has fallen so far. I wish we could send some North to the poor farmers who are desperate to have some 'liquid gold'.
The poor lawn in the backyard is barely existent and looks more like straw scattered on the dirt.

 A few weeks ago Hub and I went to a trash and treasure market and I kept my eyes open for some treasure. There were lots of tools, old school tools and it made me sad to think of who had treasured these tools and worked hard with them.
I found this gorgeous ruler that was begging me to take it home. It reminds me of my dad and I must admit I teared up when I found it. This one is special in it's own right as I think it is from the early 1900's and is made in Holland by 'Sybren'. It's previous owner has stamped their initials on the different sides. I am hoping that my friend Els in the Netherlands might shed a little light on this ruler if she sees this post.
 When I got home I showed No 3 son the ruler and he said he was sure that he had one of my Dad's old rulers in his tool box and sure enough he did. It was probably one of the last ones he used before he had to stop working. It may not look like much but to hold it is priceless. I can picture him with it.
Enough of that morbid stuff........Yes there has been some crafting happening as well...
The 1/2 square triangles and I have been spending some quality time together over a few nights this week but we had to have a break as trimming so many of them took a bit of a toll on my hands and arms.
I have trimmed down all the fig tree quilt ones and am about half way through the comma ones.
Don't they look lovely and tidy now...

While I was trimming away Hub came and sat down to watch and said "what's wrong aren't you doing hexagons any more?" Well who says they don't pay attention to my crafting endeavours.
This did spark an urge to seek out my neglected novelty hexies. The need for some new green stepping stones were holding up this project. So after some cutting and trimming there are heaps ready to go to keep this project moving for at least another few rows.
 One row was added to the top.....
Whenever I pull out these hexies it makes me want to go and get some more novelty fabrics  to make more.
I should have enough made already though to make it into a decent sized quilt.
So what else have I been up to?
I have nearly finished another row of quilting on my park avenue hexie quilt and quilted my 'Be mine' mini. It is still waiting for the binding so it didn't make the stand for Valentine's day. :(
I started quilting my table runner which is a Quilted Crow pattern.
A little experimental project has also joined the list of works in progress...
Stay Tuned for some progress on this. It may work out and it may not....The fun will be in trying. I am looking forward to working with some lovely wool. I love Paton's wool. My mum always used Patons wool for our jumpers. It has always been a little more expensive but always wears really well.

Well hopefully I haven't bored you to tears with such a long post.....
I am off to start some stitching. 
Next week is Mill Rose get together at Ballan!!! Can't wait to see all the wonderful girlies again. It seems like ages since the last one.
First I should pop out to enjoy some more of that rain, my little garden princess is and so is Coffee in the background!

Happy Stitching!


  1. The rain went right over us,see you soon my friend.xx

  2. The rain started here at 5pm too. So good to hear it on the roof but I put in a wish for a fine day tomorrow. You have been busy with the sewing. Your hexies look fantastic and your wool appliqué. What are you going to do with all those HSTs!!!?

  3. Very dry up here. It is so cleansing when rain arrives..shame the farmers aren't getting any. So special to have your Dads ruler and the new one. Love what you have been up to. The hexies are lovely.
    Hugs x

  4. Yes Iknow these rouler. This rouler where used for lots of things. Sorry but my Englisch is nog so good that I can tell a lot of this rouler.

    Marina what a lovely things you made again and I'm glad that its raining now.

    Here is the winter grrrrrrrrr now snow and we can't ice skating on the canals because the temp is to high.

  5. Wow your work is GORGEOUS love the hexi's in their garden. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. So happy for you that it has rained , I hope it rains for the farmers also . You have been super busy with some lovely projects, your hexies are adorable!!

  7. Great to hear all that you have been doing. Those stitcheries in the wool photo are fabulous

  8. Oh Marina, so many lovely things happening at your place. The rulers are priceless. I remember my Dad using those ruler too. I'm sure you could find a use for it in your sewing room. How lovely do those little half square triangles look! Love the green around the hexies - so fresh and pretty. I use a lot of Patons wool too and so did my Mum - Totem and Bluebell Crepe.

    Raining here all weekend too - it's wonderful but we really don't need it. Wish it would go our west.

  9. Lovely rain pictures ... Hopefully some is coming this way... Loads of HST's being worked on there .. I find they need to be done in batches for the sake of the hands!!! And I love your happy fussy cut hexies .. So much to look at in that one. I feel better that I do lots of different projects too. The ruler is a fun find ... Memories are good even when they make tears ..xx

  10. Looks like great rain Marina. We got mainly fine rain late last night but have woken up to more this morning. It is a bit heavier today. Hopefully it's also going to where the fires are. Your hexagon quilt is looking gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Hugs, Christine xx

  11. It's only light, but we had been having rain too. What a difference it makes to everything, including my mood! You new rule is a gorgeous find, love the patina of the wood. Very special to have one of your Dad's too. I wonder if anyone will ever hold our quilting paraphernalia in the same way? You have been busy keeping your projects ticking along. No wonder your arm was sore after all that prepping. Can't believe how far along you are with the novelty hexies. You will need to conjour up some grandchildren to enjoy that quilt with! A long comment for a long post. X

  12. So glad you have gotten some you have found a treasure in that ruler...I have some of my dads rulers and squares that he used when he did your hexi project and the green stepping stones are just beautiful...looks like you have been very creative lately...have a great day.

  13. What a lovely post, so many wonderful projects! Great thrifted treasure, it's always nice to have the little links with the past. Your new projects sounds interesting!! Hope you get more rain soon.

  14. What a great post Marina, I enjoyed every bit of it.
    You have been very busy with lots of lovely work.
    We didn't get the rain until today, only about 4ml so far but very welcome, hope there will be more.
    Love your rulers, there is history in well used old tools.
    Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  15. I think you got more rain down there than we've had but some is better than none! You have been a busy bee...whew those half square triangles would have done me in, well done on the trimming...kuedos to the Hubster for actually noticing what you stitching, the novelty hexie quilt is coming along nicely, such a fun happy project...

  16. Wow Marina you have been the hexies and all your other work! My Dad used to use a ruler like that too, he was a painter and paperhanger by idea where it is sadly! Have had rain here too, such a wonderful sound and smell!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!!

  17. We are also getting some rain, I hope it hangs all your projects

  18. What a treasure you found and so glad no 3 son still had your Dad's old ruler. Very precious. Also some lovely sewing going on.Enjoy Mill Rosie!

  19. Lovely post Marina - so many gorgeous projects you are working on. the rain missed us unfortunately.

  20. Wish I could send you some of our rain, we are drowning in the stuff. Lovely to see your hexagons and of course your other projects.

  21. Returning to work doesn't seem to have slowed you down. Your hexie garden is blooming, rain or no rain.
    Enjoying the cooler weather and rain too.

  22. glad to hear you have gotten some rain.
    I love the numbers on the brown ruler. Really neat how it hinges too.
    Lovely projects as always.

  23. Hello Marina,

    So much going on at your place. I remember those old rulers, loved playing with them as a kid in the shed. Real wool is lovely to work with. When you have finished with the rain, please send some over here to the West, haven't seen anything for months.

    Happy days.


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...