Saturday 14 December 2013

hello out there...

After spending some time today helping a fellow blogger sort out some technical issues it has spurred me to do a post.
Life has been very busy and draining emotionally over the past weeks and there has been little enthusiasm for crafting and blogging. I have been popping around to my favourite blogs now and then to see how you have all been keeping busy but forgive me for not commenting.

since my last post there have been some finishes to catch you up on so get ready there are going to be a lot of pics.

 the little girls of the world have been picked up from the quilters and the binding done.

 My sil's quilt- the same
both are just waiting for labels and will go to their new homes soon.

love a rolled up quilt!

The Sweet stitches December block made it to the stand for the 1st of December! Phew....

More little houses have joined the housing much for stopping at 12!

and drum roll please.....
My big finish for the year...
My down in the Garden quilt has been completed. Some gorgeous custom quilting has finished this off beyond my expectations. I love it so much that I have booked in Swan Lake for May next year to be quilted also.
Are you ready?

I just have to show some close ups of the spectacular quilting.

pattern by Leanne Beasley, quilted by Leanne Kauffman.
Hope I haven't bored you too much but I did warn you.
My Down in the Garden quilt is spending some time at my mum's place. She doesn't have a quilt for her bed at the moment so I told her to take it home for awhile to brighten up her bed.  I couldn't bare it to be folded up and put away and there isn't a place for me to hang it at the moment. I am hoping it will cheer her up a little.

Well it was lovely to catch up with you all and I hope to get back to normal blogging patterns soon.
If I don't post before Christmas I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year!



  1. Lots of lovely finishes. Hugs....

  2. Beautiful, beautiful quilts Marina. Hard to choose a favourite....but the little girls of the world is very sweet. I think those little houses want to be a big quilt. It's good to have a project like that ticking along in the background. So glad you showed us your finishes, wishing you a peaceful Christmas. X

  3. Your quilts all look gorgeous, love how the quilting brings them to life.
    Every time I look at Down in The Garden I see something new. A beauty for your mother to see on her bed every day.

  4. Welcome back! Hope everything improves for you and you have a happy Christmas holiday time.

  5. All your finishes are fantastic, you must be so pleased! They are all such beautiful quilts. I have always loved your colour combination in the garden quilt. Hope all is well for you and you get some time to relax.

  6. You certainly did not bore me , such gorgeous work , all of your quilts are beautiful but the garden quilt is incredible and what beautiful quilting , very talented quilter ! Thanks for sharing .hugs Sheila

  7. You have been busy Marina. Your Down the Garden Path is beautiful. Leanne has done a wonderful job with your quilting. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas too! xx

  8. So much beautiful work on show here. Leanne has done a wonderful job on your quilt.

  9. Gorgeous quilting to enhance your gorgeous quilts!
    Patchworking, sewing, quilting is certainly food for the soul and admiring others beautiful work is also nourishing :o)
    Thank you for sharing these beauties xx

  10. Lovely quilts Marina, so true that the quilting makes each quilt sing. Hope things have settled down for you and you have a lovely, peaceful Christmas :) Barb.

  11. wow Marina this quilt is awesome as is your other work,boy you have been so busy,thankyou for sharing your beautiful finishes,i wish you and your family a wonderful xmas and a safe and happy new year my friend.xx

  12. oh yes, that custom quilting is amazing... no wonder you are so pleased with it.... I always love your quilts and it's great to see them finished off so prettily.... your 'city' is growing....
    Big Hugz....

  13. Having seen the Down in the Garden quilt close up ,I can only concur that it is beautifully quilted. Well done on all your lovely work even though it has been a stressful time.

  14. Wonderful finishes!! Lovely to see all that is completed.
    Your Garden quilt is spectacular. So much beautiful and detailed stitching. I agree that the custom quilting is perfect for it. Lovely work.

  15. Down in the garden is just beautiful and I'm sure your mum is enjoying it. That was kind of you. All good thoughts for a lovely Christmas. You will be in my thoughts on the day.

  16. So much beautifulness Marina!! Never too many photos! The quilts are spectacular as is the quilting....hope life returns to normal for you soon and you get to have some relaxing time in the holidays! Happy Christmas to you too!

  17. Hello Marina,

    What a wonderful array of quilts you have there. Just love the Garden and how it has been quilted.
    Hope you and your family enjoy Christmas.

    Happy days.

  18. Wow! Just gorgeous. You did a gorgeous job with Down in the Garden and your quilter finished out just perfectly.

  19. Down in the Garden is lovely and the quilting complements it perfectly. Love all your finishes and hope that you too have a wonderful Christmas. xx

  20. Your garden quilt is so beautiful! The custom quilting really enhances your beautiful work.Plus your other two are lovely as wll and I'm sure they will be well loved by their recipients. Funny how those houses keep growing!!

  21. Your finishes look amazing, they are all beautiful quilts, well done!

  22. Beautiful quilting Marina! Wonderful talent. Perhaps you would like some tatting to add to a quilt? Let me know

  23. Down in the Garden is looking spectacular. I love the other quilts and mini you've finished off. They are lovely.

    Merry Christmas.

  24. Well stitching and sewing can be good for getting away from the stressful stuff. You've obviously been using your time wisely.
    Lots of loveliness here, a feast for the eyes. Really I am not sure which way to turn next.
    Gorgeous colours and details.
    Looks like you're growing a city there.
    Enjoy the stitches (and the holidays).

  25. Such beautiful finishes! And the quilting on the last one is awesomely beautiful. Looks so good with all the hand stitching you did on the quilt. Each of your quilts will brighten the hearts and day of those who receive them. Hopefully your mom will be cheered while your quilt is hanging out with her. Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  26. Looking at the quilting on your Garden quilt is almost as much fun as looking at your gorgeous handwork. Well done and Congrats.
    Love your Santa too.
    Merry Christmas!

  27. Hi Marina - oh I am so glad I have popped in to your blog - what a lot of eye-candy in one stunning post!
    they are all stunning finishes, but I must say I particularly love Down In The Garden, so much work and skill in it, do proud of yourself!!
    Merry Christmas to you & yours too, stay safe and eat lots!!

  28. Wow Marina, what a lot of beautiful quilts you've done. This is the first blog I have read in weeks and weeks. I was a pleasure! Hope you find time to post again soon. Merry Christmas from Charlotte's Cottage.

  29. Lovely work!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014.
    Sue x

  30. I love your "Girls Around the World" Quilt. Absolutely gorgeous.

  31. Beautiful finishes…your Down in the Garden is gorgeous, I'm sure it is doing the trick in helping to brighten up the days for your mum…a few houses, a town, a city, really who is counting! they are so cute...


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...