Wednesday, 5 June 2013

trying something....

I have recoved from the dizziness of Sunday's meeting and back in the normal groove again.
My new pattern arrived from Mrs Martins quilt shop today for the next Kathy Schmitz block.
I was so hoping this would be the next mini to be sent.
I wanted to give it an Aussie feel. The wording is very beautiful and I thought why couldn't it apply to Australia? Now how to get an Australian flag on there......

The American flag accent fabric comes with the pattern but there isn't an option for our flag so a few weeks ago I started using the google machine to try to find some fabric with our flag on it. Found the fabric but it was a little bright so I tea dyed some to give an antique feel and even though it is smaller than the accent fabric I still like the feel of it.
I couldn't wait to applique it and had a go at needle turn applique. It was a little puckered so I redid it.  Not too bad though for my first attempt.
This is the puckered pic..
 Second attempt at it and it sits a little better.

When I was tracing the design I noticed that there are 6 stars in the design and they will perfectly reflect the number of stars in our flag. Just meant to be!
Can't wait to start stitching just need to finish another project that has been a little neglected.
happy stitching!

ps all the stars for the Swan Lake border are appliqued and on the weekend hopefully I can place some hexie flowers and get some more progress on that border.


  1. Love the way you have added our flag. Much more appropriate and very clever!

  2. wow that is so good Marina you are a clever little thing,but i always knew that.xx

  3. Great idea to change the flag. Makes it much more relevant to this part of the world.

  4. What a lovely pattern you will made.
    The stars are little istn't it?

  5. Love the changes. You are so clever.

  6. Looks fantastic and needleturn is much easier than we all think lol. I was always scared to give it a go but love it now. I love how you are customising the mini too and it is going to be stunning when finished.

  7. Clever you putting an a Australian flavour on that gorgeous block.
    Enjoy your stitching.

  8. clever you making that adaption .... and it will be perfect... another great block coming up....

  9. I love how you are making this one your own. Well done. Looking forward to seeing more. hugs

  10. Well done Marina. The Aussie flag looks perfect. x

  11. Love your little flag - the mini quilt is going to be beautiful. Can't wait to see Swan Lake.

  12. Wow!! Marina, you are so clever to adapt the design to include the Aus flag! and well done on the needle turn too, I am too frightened to try it!! x
    ps I love your new blog header

  13. Looking good. Glad that you gave it an Australian twist.

  14. WOW Marina!!!! How clever of you - it looks amazing!!! Love to see the finished block!!

  15. Hi Marina when I first saw that block, I wondered what you would do with it - great idea and great result!!

  16. Well done Marina, love that flag.
    Hugs Rosalie.

  17. Yes well your needle turned Aussie flag.

  18. Well done on the adaptation

  19. This will make your stitchery look great. Love the way you have adapted the design. Great work with the flag.

  20. What a great idea to use your flag for this mini, looks great Marina!

  21. Hello Marina,

    Oh well done on adding the true blue Aussie touch to your project. You may be called onto to make some more of these by others who are making this project.

    Have a great weekend.

  22. Your stepping stone hexis are coming along nicely. Well done with the needleturn on the Aussie flag!
    Cheers, Robyn

  23. Another lovely blog, I love how you have made it 'Aussie'!!



 Time is getting away from me it would be lovely to be able to slow it down. Crafting inspiration seems to be lacking as I try to finish off...