Sunday 18 November 2012

fabulous bloggy meet!

Yesterday I headed off to Mill Rose patchwork shop for the Mill Rose bloggers meet. I had some travelling companions keeping me company. 

It was an absolutely amazing shop, so beautiful it took my breath away walking around it for the first time. There were so many gorgeous fabrics and magnificent quilts hanging around the shop. The staff were lovely and so helpful.They set the place up beautifully.
Lunch was delicious next door at the restaurant.
Lots of laughing and chatting as you would expect lol.
Here we are all returning from lunch..

I only got a little stitching done, we had a super Anni Downs swap for those that wanted to take part. I forgot to take a pic of the package that I wrapped up but this is what was in the package...
a pin cushion,
A finished zipper purse, I can't believe I didn't take a photo of it finished! I will have to check if Barb posts a pic of her goodies...

I also included two fat eights of Anni Downs fabric.
I received this beautiful hanging made by Melody, it's gorgeous!
Here is Melody's pic of my gorgeous gift.

Now did I buy anything? 
Well next meeting the swap theme is Rosalie Quinlan. As I was walking around the shop I found some very pretty Rosalie Quinlan fabrics. Throw in a few extras to co ordinate and voila!! I have some inspiration to work with before February, Nothing like thinking ahead, I say. Now these are not my usual colours but I am keen to make something from them
(the green fabric on the bottom is for another project in case you are thinking 'where does she get her co ordinating abilities from?')
It was a fantastic day and I was a very tired little vegemite but I can't wait till the next meet in February!
thankyou girls for a super day!

Just had to share some flower pics too.
My lovely sister in law and her hub came over for lunch today and she brought me a huge bunch of roses from her garden. They have a wonderful garden full of roses and other flowering loveliness.

 The perfume filling my kitchen is amazing.
Hope you have had a lovely weekend making happy memories.
Now I need to get some motivation and finish some quilting!



  1. I saw that you had a wunderfull day. You make lovely things and the fabrics waauww.

  2. it was so good to meet you Marina,it was such an awesome day and i look forward to spending time with you again,till next time.xx

  3. How lovely for you all to meet... it's amazing how many of you got there... and lovely swap things you made... and received.... I must do more of those Anni Downes goodies.. they are so nice.... pretry roses too... always nice to have them in the house...

  4. ,,, and I forgot to say I love the fabrics you bought... will be fun seeing what you make..

  5. It was a lovely day, lots of laughing. Mill Rose really is a beautiful shop, I'd love to set up a bed in the isles and just lay for a while :) See you in Feb. hugs

  6. it was such an awesome day Marina and i was so glad to finally meet you.I had the best day with all you ladies and i loved all the lovely swap gifts that were made,till next time my friend.xxlol,i am not sure whether this is my 2nd comment on here if it is so sorry,lol.xx

  7. Oh you are so lucky. Looks like a brilliant day out at Millrose. Your swap gifts are gorgeous. I love the stitchery you used. Nice new fabrics too. I have a new appreciation for those pretty brights.

  8. Sure was a fun day.
    Delicious goodies to take home - Love those fabrics all together.

    Nice flowers. Lucky you having generous relatives.
    Enjoy the quilting.

  9. I have no doubts about you ability to put fabrics together and I saw nothing wrong with the little pile you have there. What a lot of loveliness in your post, such pretty projects and a day with like minded friends. Wish I could come too.

  10. It was a wonderful day and I hope to join the swap next time. Thank you for your company. I can almost smell those beautiful roses from here.

  11. gorgeous flowers and so glad you had a wonderful get together.

  12. Oh I would love to visit that shop. What a Wonderful time you all had. Lovely swap gifts and treasure to take home. Your roses are just gorgeous.

  13. Oh you guys are just sew lucky to be able to get together for these fabulous bloggy meetings.
    Lots of pretty gifts made and shared.
    Love the new fabrics and such sweet roses..

  14. A post full of joy, Marina...
    a bloggers meet and those gorgeous roses...
    good times!

  15. Oh lucky you Marina, such a lovely meeting with so many friends .Lovely gifts and I love Annie Downs ,delightful designs. Those roses are incredible , wow !!

  16. What a fun day we had! It was so nice to meet you and all of the other wonderful ladies. What a way to top off your weekend with family time and beautiful roses. See you at the next Mill Rosie get together.

  17. All the photos and all the gifts have been pleased you all had the best time....

  18. Your roses are so beautiful. You made some lovely presents for the swap. I hope you enjoy your new fabrics - they are very pretty.

  19. Looks like you had a great day, Marina. Love the little zipper purse, they are so many nice things to make in that book. Roses are stunning.

  20. Sounds like a great day out - just what I could do with!

  21. a fun the fabrics you brought........

  22. You girls are soooo lucky.... what a wonderful spot to get together.. Maybe next time I will be able to make it, and join in the fun.
    Your roses are so beautiful, I can imagine the perfume going through the house..

  23. The swap gifts are truly lovely. Wow the roses are so gorgeous. Glad you had such a wonderful day :)

  24. It was indeed a FABULOUS day.


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