Saturday 14 April 2012

AQC loveliness

Yesterday Mum and I headed off to AQC in Melbourne.
I prepared a list of must haves that I wanted to source at the show. Happily I ticked all the 'need' boxes and didn't really buy anything off the list. On the way home we stopped off at GJ's for their 25% off sale where I bought some homespun for a project I am mulling over.
Here are the purchases from my list..
 I have already made up the reindeer tag and it was so simple once I worked it out. They will be my Christmas Items for this month so you will have to wait a little bit before I show off the finished item.
I absolutely love this cup! I bought an extra one for gifting.

We had a super day and I took lots of photos of my favourite quilts...
Get ready for the pics...
(lots of Australian flowers by Mary Hitchens)

loved this dragon but I forgot to take a pic of the label.

you knew there were going to be hexagons included somewhere!

this was a challenge quilt by Helen Godden

more beautiful hexagons adorning this quilt..

Blue and white- how could I resist Dutch Tiles in Blue and white by  Sophia Franken

more hexagon loveliness!! Aptly titled Dedication by Judith Whitaker.

I did get some more pics but I will show them next time. 
Enjoying the last of the holidays. I have a list of things to get done before Monday.
Hopefully I will have some pics to show and tell!
Have a lovely weekend


  1. I am a big fan of Theodore Cleave buttons, lucky you to be able to drool over them before buying :-)

  2. Love your purchases, those buttons are very cute. all the quilts look fantastic, imagine the hours involved!

  3. DO love all the hexagon quilts...maybe I should bring out my long term hexie project? My sewing mojo has been missing for a while, do you think if I drank from that wonderful bug it might come back?
    Hugs, Kathy

  4. lovely show and tell Marina.xx

  5. some very beautiful quilts. Still umming about going and tomorrow is the last chance so it might be a no. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

  6. so fun looking at quilts... you found some beauties... I do love the blue and white dutch tiles.... amazing... fun purchases.. are you going to get into dresdens now? the mug is perfect for you.... I had a giggle...
    Enjoy the weekend and hope the list gets finished????

  7. Love the buttons and the cup...those quilts are amazing...

  8. Hello Marina,

    Glad you had a wonderful time out with your Mum. Love that Dutch tile quilt.

    Happy creating with your new goodies.

  9. hello... another comment just checking

  10. Oh how wonderful. Time with your Mum and quilts! Just perfect! :)

  11. I see that you visited Marg Low. I am sure that there is something on her table that has my name on it.
    Glad you got to GJ's as well. I popped in this morning and did a little damage.
    My turn at the quilt show tomorrow.
    Great mug and good advice!

  12. Would love to see a close up of those Dutch tiles - any idea how big these blocks were?

    Looks like you had a great day out!

  13. Nice buttons and pattern you bought Marina..
    Oh so many beautiful quilts.
    My Friend and I hope to fly over to the Melbourne show next year.....

  14. Beautiful quilts , thanks so much for sharing the show with us , always enjoy a quilt show ! hugs Sheila

  15. Looks like lots of inspiration to be found there.
    The Christmas decorations look very nice already.

  16. Marina what a lot of georgius quilts you showd us.
    The things you buy lovely.

  17. Beautiful quilts; it looks like a wonderful day. I love those big buttons you purchased, and the cup also is lots of fun!

  18. Nice to see you and your Mom got a day out together.
    The quilt photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us.


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...