Sunday, 12 February 2012

motivational chocolate

a good friend suggested the power of chocolate to help rejuvenate a lagging mojo, so with a Chokito and peppermint Crisp in hand I took the medicine prescribed by Dr Narelle and I was off and running!
I wanted to finish the binding on the flower garden quilt and big tick, it got done. I had a 'flower' sent to me by a fellow blogger and have always wanted to find a use for it- a pillow, a table topper..... I stitched it to the back of the garden quilt and it looks quite at home.

A happy ending!
While I was picking up the quilt on Friday I wanted to check out Jemima's range of cosmo threads. A lovely variegated cotton jumped out at me, oh no another distraction appeared....

Yesterday I had great fun cutting out the rest of my dollies for Swan Lake and started to cut the stars, 21 down. There will be 80 something in total so there are a lot to go. To give me a little incentive I had a play around with placing the pieces on the border fabric. I was a little unsure how all the fabric would look but I think I am quite satisfied with how it will look. It is only a rough placement but gives me an idea at least.

So I think next weekend I better stock up on some more choccies and watch out!
I have also been pottering with my christmas items, who knows I may even get something finished.... Only sneek peeks though as they may be swap goodies.
Hope you have had an inspiring weekend too....


  1. boy you have been busy Marina,well done,l love chocito's also,lol.xx

  2. Glad the chocolate worked for you ,looks like you were very successful . I love the fabrics in your quilt , that will be stunning!

  3. What beautiful projects you are working. Love that thread too.

  4. The cross stitch is gorgeous in those colours - Nice distraction.
    That flower looks like it was made for its new home.
    Cute dollies with their flowers and stars, those colours look lovely together.
    Enjoy your projects.

  5. Think I'll have to try the chocolate trick too!

    Well done you are getting through those finishes!

  6. Great work, so satisfying to actually finish...

    Love the variegated thread, too. Looks superb.

  7. Your flower garden looks beautiful all folded up like that! Great finish for you. Your dollies are looking pretty as well. That chocolate is a real incentive for you :)

  8. Yes, keep up the choccy Marina. That Cosmo varigated thread is divine.

  9. Wow, so much eye candy. I love, love that variegated thread and you're doing another one of those little sticheries.. just beautiful. Your quilts are gorgeous...I used that chocolate technique at work last night haha ... I needed motivation just to be there!

  10. Fabulous sewing. I think I need some of that medicine prescribed too.

  11. All your projects are so beautiful Marina. Your hexie quilt is very pretty, and I love your cross stitch. Your Swan Lake is looking amazing already, such a lot of work! You will have to purchase more chocolate!

  12. So chocolate is what we need to stock pile on..... great to get your binding done.... the Cosmo thread is lovely.... love the variegations in that one and your Swan Lake is just stunning.... is that all then appliqued to the background?

  13. Waauw what a lovely cosmo treds you need for this Crosstitching pattern.

    I've never see these beautifull treds here in Holland.

  14. Choccy works wonders! :)
    Those fabrics in your Swan Lake are so lovely and it's looking great already.
    Good catch with the thread.

  15. That chocolate has made you hyperactive!! Will you slow down a bit... you've got my head spinning!
    By the way... I love everything you've been busy with!

  16. Chocolate really works! Beautiful projects, love the cosmo thread.



 Time is getting away from me it would be lovely to be able to slow it down. Crafting inspiration seems to be lacking as I try to finish off...