Friday 27 May 2011

The postman cometh!

The postman was most welcome today!
He brought me two lovely surprises. The first was the lovely table topper that I won on Peg's blog. I admire the lovely quilts and throws that she makes so much and was tickled pink to have won. As it happened as it arrived I had just cleared the table and was looking for a doilie to put on it. Now that is what I call timing!

Isn't is just wonderful.
The second delivery was my May hexies from the hexie flower swap from Joanne. They are two beautiful flowers and I think they are in Civil war reproduction fabrics.
More wonderfulness!!

At the start of last week I received the next pattern for Times gone by bom.
I have it all ready to start appliqueing and stitching. Instead of needleturn applique I am using wools again. I replaced the needleturn in the first block with wools as well. I enjoy working with the wools and am trying to use them where I can. I think they fit in well with this bom.

I think I will work on this at craft group tomorrow.
Hope you all have a crafty weekend.


  1. Lovely things on display. Lucky you to win such loveliness from clever Peg.

  2. The table topper looks perfect there.... and pretty hexies to get.... love the applique.... do you still use applifix to hold it down?

  3. OOooh Lucky you

    Always nice when the mailman brings prettys. Lovely table topper - Enjoy
    Have fun stitching your house - it is looking good already.

  4. The table topper looks perfect and the hexie flower fabrics look great. I like the wool look for your house.

  5. That's the sort of mail we like, not the window variety. That is a lovely table topper that will keep the winter blues away.
    I am very impressed at how Joanne matched the fabrics on the hexie on the right.
    Looking for wooly ideas, yours is looking good.

  6. I love the felt work appliqué. I bet it is going to look wonderful when finished.

    The table runner is very pretty as well.

  7. Love your banner! Well it has got a cat on it but the quilt is lovely. You are a lucky and obviously desrving winner - else why would you have needed that little table topper just then! Congrats enjoy your win!

  8. Hello Marina,

    Perfect timing for your topper to arrive. Love the wool work in your BOM.
    Happy Monday.

  9. lovely post Marina and Pegs work is amazing,lucky you


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...