Sunday 27 March 2011

a little late but done nevertheless

after craft group I was determined to get my Christmas item finished. When you host craft group you don't get much time to do crafting as a lot of time is spent making cups of tea and preparing goodies so once everyone left I stayed in the zone and pulled out this applique to finish it off.
I made an error in the placement and couldn't put a little snowflake that was on the original but I like it anyway. After I quilted the framing fabric by machine it has caused a little bit of bubbling, might have to unpick that and do some hand quilting, it may be more forgiving. It looks particularly bad in the picture but the side bindings haven't been completely sewn down so that may have affected it to. (I was a little premature to photograph it I think)

While getting enthused I decided to start my bom 'times gone by'. Step two arrived a few weeks ago and I hadn't even started the first one. Well strike while the iron is hot I say! I prepared the applique and stitchery block and the little 1/2 inch hexagons that will decorate part two.
I even popped into Jemima's for some more of the blue fabric behind the snowman applique and found they had a sale on so I grabbed two charm packs for only $12.00 one is a Christmas themed pack and the other an older Fig tree quilts pack. I also found the perfect blue fabric for a Christmas themed project I have been wanting to do!
Hope I get some more crafty time today!
Happy Sunday.


  1. Love the snowman and the fabrics you have used..... I see what you mean about the bubbly - would a steam work?? Bargain on the charm packs.....
    happy sunday...

  2. Lovely work Marina. The snowman and the crow, a cute couple. Glad you got it finished for our March showing.
    I just googled Jemima's, is that a store in Craigieburn?

  3. Cute Christmas snowman. I love the bird.

  4. Very nice Marina. It's very pretty!
    Greetings from Bruges Hugs Carine

  5. Your snowman wallhanging looks great Marina.

  6. I love your snowman, very cute.

  7. I've just finished a Christmas hanging too but I like to think I'm early rather than late! Teehee. Also just finished a hallowe'en banner...Sometimes there just isn't the time to get things done - good luck with your next Christmas project!



Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...