Tuesday 30 November 2010

a lovely mail delivery plus a Tuesday treasures post

Today I received a lovely surprise package in the mail..

Some lovely hand painted buttons from Eli and one of her lovely new stitchery patterns that included a hand painted button. This bundle of loveliness was a gift from the talented Eli from raccolto d'autunno. I stumbled across Eli's blog a little while ago and I have enjoyed testing my lapsing Italian skills by reading her blog and emailing her. Eli's English is far better than my Italian, Just proving the adage 'use it or lose it' . As an adult I only spoke Italian with my grandparents and since they have passed away I have missed not speaking the language. Eli's blog in Italian and English lets me have a little bit of that connection with my heritage. I usually cheat when emailing Eli and write in English as I struggle to find the right words and correct tenses quickly enough.
Eli is selling her patterns and buttons on her blogsite- you can click on the link above or click on the first picture.

Just a quick Tuesday Treasure post...
Here are my childhood dolls.
The baby doll in the blue crochet outfit is from when I was around two years old. She was brought for me so that mum could kidnap and dispose of my old extremely well loved and battered doll. I put the lovely new doll aside and kept my old raggy doll. She did disappear years later and then this doll got some loving and wear. The Chrissy doll is a replacement for one I had at Primary school that got damaged. I loved to 'grow' her pony tail and brush it. The two dolls on the ends I got when I was 12 and we were living in Italy so they have been well travelled.  The one on the far right was bough at a festa (called a sagra where my dad comes from). I love her hand painted face and long black plaits.

Hope your week is going well. Off to U2 tomorrow and I can't wait!
so Thankyou Eli!


  1. A lovely parcel, beautiful dolls and U2, what a post. Have a wonderful time.

  2. You have been spoilt with your parcel. I love your collection of dolls. My favourite is the one on the left, such a cute face. Have a great time at U2.

  3. Special dolls.... sadly I was a doctor and mine didn't survive the various operations they were given... I could never understand why the hair didn't grow back after I cut it....... Lovely gifts and that you have made links with Italy again...

  4. Sorry I am late in wishing you a happy anniversary. Sounds like you had a wonderful evening.
    Another lovely surprise in the mail, has Christmas come early for you?
    Have fun at the concert and behave!

  5. I had a Chrissy doll when I was little. Love the package you got in the mail all the more special with very little snail mail these days. Charmaine

  6. Wonderful post Marina and I am so glad you bought something from the very talented Eli.

    Love the dolls and the history behind them. I too have a Chrissy, although didn't have her as a child.

  7. Marina , your dolls are just lovely , I don't have any of the dolls I had as a child so I am a bit envious .Thanks for sharing .

  8. What a lovely parcel from Eli. I had stuffed toys instead of dolls and as they were passed on to my children I don't think any survived but they gave lots of joy. I like the Italian miss on the right with her plaits and pursed(?) lips :). Have fun at the concert.

  9. Hello Marina,

    I love your well travelled dolls. Lovely mail in the post,good on your for reconnecting with your Italian.
    Happy days.

  10. Hi there,
    I love your treasure this week. I have to agree with BubzRugz, mine were operated on and had their hair cut. I really did think I was being helpful :-)
    Look forward to seeing your treasures next week

  11. Gorgeous mail - Lucky you.

    Love your dolls - Cindi was just the best. Love the one with the plaits too sweet.

    Enjoy the concert - hope it is indoors.

  12. U2 ! Lucky you ! Lovely dolls too.

  13. I'm so happy you got my package so quickly. I really hope you can add my buttons to your amazing creations.
    Sorry, I am late in wishing you a happy anniversary. These are busy days for me and I don't succeed in following things as I would like.
    Un grande abbraccio

  14. sweet gift. love the buttons.
    Oh, your dolls are sweet too. I didn't play with dolls much when I was a little girl.


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