Tuesday 30 March 2010

First encounters of the patchwork kind....

Day two of the holidays and not much creativity happening here yet, let me tell you.
I thought I would share a pic of my first taste of patchworking. This quilt is my first encounter with patchwork. My mum had decided to do a patchwork course and the project was a sampler, now, not one to do things by halves she decided that she would make a queen size quilt to be our engagement present. It was completed in 1985 and back then the colours and fabrics available weren't what they are today but I love it. She hand sewed and hand quilted the sampler blocks and when we were married and moved into our new home it went straight on our bed and was proudly displayed there for ages. Now it is desperately in need of a clean so I pulled it out of the wardrobe and it will be off to the dry cleaners. I don't put it on the bed often as I don't want it to fade anymore than it has.
It is a treasure.
Here is where I am at with the latest Sweet nostalgia block...
I wasn't to keen on the girls colours that I picked but they don't look as bad now that there is some stitchery around her. And yes the little dog makes an appearance again in this block. She will be next...
I wasn't careful enough when tracing the pattern and forgot to trace the checks for the girl's skirt, I had to freehand the lines on and decided to make it a pleated skirt instead of tartan. Doesn't look too bad...........

Have a great day!


  1. The quilt is priceless, there is something about those '80's colours. I love the simplicity of the blocks.

    Your stitching is looking fantastic as always.

    Enjoy your break.

  2. Your quilt is a true treasure ... how lovely.
    Good idea for the skirt.

  3. What a beautiful gift from your mother. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Melbourne day and your holiday.


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...