Saturday 9 January 2010

a long time ago........

In august 2008 I had an idea for a quilted throw for my god daughter. It would have horses and embroidery and patchworking.
I sketched an idea and several planets aligned to make a type of pattern. I started off with good intentions but it just didn't come together. six months later I dragged out what I had done and tried to get inspired to do some more. Then it got put away again after much unpicking and recutting. That was about the size of it, but these holidays I was determined to make headway- it was me or the quilt.
The heat makes us hibernate especially during the hottest part of the day and today, Well I have won not only the battle but the war.
I popped out to our local patchwork shop to get some fabric for the outer border and found a gorgeous Moda fabric. It combines all the main colours of the quilt.
Here is a close up of one of the stitched blocks. The pictures were really well drawn and had lovely expressions. Not bad for a $2.50 iron on transfer pack of patterns from Spotlight.
(drumroll please !!) And here is the finished top.......
Streamers and champagne corks NOW...

I am quite happy with the finished throw. All the pieces finally came together.
I just need to do the applique (then quilt and bind it) but the worst is over.
I hope it won't take another 16 months to finish it off.

I am a very happy puppy!



  1. That is lovely Marina, when I was young and kept horses that would have made the most wonderful treasured gift - I'm sure your god daughter will absolutely love it!

  2. Love it, Marina. I think it was worth the wait!

  3. Oh, save those selvages, too! You can make some interesting things using selvages.

  4. That's what I like to see - an old project come to life. I may just work on some of my older projects this year instead of starting a dozen more. Beautiful design - lucky girl.

  5. This is just gorgeous ... my champagne is uncorked!!

  6. You deserve the bubbly , that is great work !

  7. That is a gorgeous throw, as I love horses!


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...