Wednesday 20 January 2010

d day-dreaded day

Yesterday Mum had her half day of respite care for dad and she usually spends it galavanting (mostly shopping) why not I say as it is her only break for the whole week.
She bought me home this beautiful book by Anni Downs- A Boys story. I have been coveting this book since I saw it on Anni's blog. It has the most gorgeous boy oriented designs. There are appliqued blocks and small funny cartoon type stitcheries interspersed in the quilt. I am going to do one of the quilts as a block of the month after I have finished my Heart and Home bom- which will be in a few months time. Got to have time to collect a stash too!
What was that I said about not too many projects? Lucky it wasn't a New Year's resolution.

D Day has arrived-back to work today!
I had an early start thanks to the herd of noisy, trumpeting elephants who like to start conversations while I am trying to hold onto those last minutes of sleep time. Just because they have to go to work shouldn't mean I have to get up!
I thought I would take the dogs for a walk and psych myself up for the day.
It was quite enjoyable the sun was shining but it was still nice and cool for walking and the dogs behaved themselves quite well.
Well I had best go and at least brush my hair.....and finish getting ready, I have wasted enough time evading the inevitable.

Have a great day


  1. I hope work wasn't too bad today . That was so thoughtful of your Mum buying you that book , have lots of fun with it .

  2. Beautiful book - enjoy dreaming and collecting.
    Hope your day went well and you were able to ease back into the work thing gently.

  3. I hope you eased your way back into work. I do remember what that was like!


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...