Friday 17 April 2009

happy news

Well have had an email from Nicole that she received her stuff that I made. I am so glad that she liked it all. I noticed that on Monika's blog that she had recieved my things too. Relieved that they have received and liked the things I made!
I was up till late last night cutting and vlisofixing! I have caught up with preparing my tisket tasket block four and it is ready to applique. I have cut the rest of the background blocks too. Have also caught up on an abandoned bom. I am quite enthused and should have enough appliqueing to last for ages.
It was great fun cutting and applying the pieces just like a puzzle. I will post pics once I get organised.
I have also been 'commissioned' to make something by my neighbour. She is a descendant of a convict that was transported to the Female factory in Tasmania at the age of 13. An artist in Tasmania is collecting bonnets that can be made by descendants of convicts or you can even adopt a convict to make a bonnet in honour of. I have cut out the bonnet and just need to embroider and sew it by the end of this month so that it can be blessed and then added to the collection of bonnets to be displayed. There are so many tragic stories from Australia's convict history. Imagine being sent to the other end of the world at the age of 13 never to see your family again.
Our 'Australian history' only goes back fifty years and it is just mind boggling being able to trace back your family history through such accurate government records back to the 1800's.

Last day of hoo!

1 comment:

  1. My parents emigrated to New Zealand as teachers and then came to Australia 42 years ago when expecting me. It'd be amazing to have convict history! What a lovely activity you're taking part in with the bonnet making :-)


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...