Friday 13 September 2013

About time...

I have had a project that required starting for some time. It has been milling around in my mind for a loonnnng time. I have gifted quilts to two of my sisters in law and I had wanted to make one for the third. I paid attention to when she was discussing colours for her bedroom and colours that she didn't like anymore.
When quilter's bazaar in Gisborne closed down some time ago we went to one of their sales and she picked some fabrics out in apricots and sage green. These colours would be the base colours for her quilt. She said she would also like a basket of flowers on point.
For me that was too many specifics.....I have struggled since with the colours and the requirements. Looking for a pattern that I thought she would like has been so hard. I much prefer to make something then gift it (whether they like it or not lol)  when there is too much criteria I tend to freak out. But at last the planets have aligned.
A few months ago a friend gave me some old crafty mags and on the cover of one was a lovely simple quilt that fitted the bill. Next to sort out those colours that are not really my favourites. I realised that I needed to add some other colours into the mix.
Since I finished the girls quilt and my once upon a time it was time I bit the bullet and committed big time to this quilt. I mentioned it to her that I had started and she thought I had forgotten. She knows how I have to have things just right so she is happy to wait.
Here is the centre started...
Nothing too fancy or complicated but manageable. The stems were a bit daunting but I found some great ready made bias binding that matched the colours perfectly so off I went. Ready made binding is definitely a winner! The little flowers will have chain stitched stems.
(The pattern is by Robyn Falloon and was in the Australian Quilters Companion no 15)
It has a simple border that I have simplified even more so it will not be a drawn out project.
Poor Swan Lake has been put to the side again but I will get back to it soon.
Some cross stitching being worked on too, pics next time...
Have a great weekend

Sunday 1 September 2013

bits of this and that...

Last weekend riding on the wave of my Once upon a time finish I thought it would be good to keep the momentum going and finish off my little girls of the world top. The outer border needed to be finished and after some advice I went with a scrappy border.
Seems like a bit of scrappy happening here lately...
Almost used my stash of Bliss too. It has certainly gone a long way.
this quilt will be a gift for a great niece. Her little sister received a 'bliss' quilt for her christening so thought it only fitting that they both have one from this range.
 this is one of my favourite little girls.
 this is the other quilt from the bliss fabrics...

My mini for spring got finished this week, some simple quilting and the binding and ta da...
Hanging in time for the first day of spring.

Quilting and binding finished on the snowman too, now it can go away till next winter.

 these little blocks came together quick and easy and will be in the mail tomorrow to go to Sharon's along with lot's of other people's contributions of squares to get put together to make a special I  spy quilt for a sick little boy.
Click here to read more if you are interested. I love the pattern Sharon will be using and it is a great way to feature novelty fabrics. Definitely will keep it in mind for the 'one day' list.
I seem to be drawn to children's quilts... my nanna glory box is going to be chockers!
Another row of hexies have been added to the novelty hexies but I have run out of stepping stones so I see some green squares and lots of basting in my near future.
And no I haven't forgotten my Swan Lake borders.... the remaining borders have their stars ironed on and I have started appliqueing them. Gotta keep that ball rolling!
Another beautiful Spring day today. Sun shining and not a grey cloud in sight.
have a great weekend wherever you are.


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...