Monday 23 December 2013

in need of a new home...

If anyone is interested I have a few patterns in need of a new home...

some of these patterns have been used. Would prefer to just post within Australia as the pattern weight will add up.
has a new home.....

never been used...
has a new home.....

Cross stitch pattern unused

unused pattern. Thumb pictured not included...I still need my left thumb.
If anyone is interested please let me know which pattern or patterns you are interested in.


Saturday 14 December 2013

hello out there...

After spending some time today helping a fellow blogger sort out some technical issues it has spurred me to do a post.
Life has been very busy and draining emotionally over the past weeks and there has been little enthusiasm for crafting and blogging. I have been popping around to my favourite blogs now and then to see how you have all been keeping busy but forgive me for not commenting.

since my last post there have been some finishes to catch you up on so get ready there are going to be a lot of pics.

 the little girls of the world have been picked up from the quilters and the binding done.

 My sil's quilt- the same
both are just waiting for labels and will go to their new homes soon.

love a rolled up quilt!

The Sweet stitches December block made it to the stand for the 1st of December! Phew....

More little houses have joined the housing much for stopping at 12!

and drum roll please.....
My big finish for the year...
My down in the Garden quilt has been completed. Some gorgeous custom quilting has finished this off beyond my expectations. I love it so much that I have booked in Swan Lake for May next year to be quilted also.
Are you ready?

I just have to show some close ups of the spectacular quilting.

pattern by Leanne Beasley, quilted by Leanne Kauffman.
Hope I haven't bored you too much but I did warn you.
My Down in the Garden quilt is spending some time at my mum's place. She doesn't have a quilt for her bed at the moment so I told her to take it home for awhile to brighten up her bed.  I couldn't bare it to be folded up and put away and there isn't a place for me to hang it at the moment. I am hoping it will cheer her up a little.

Well it was lovely to catch up with you all and I hope to get back to normal blogging patterns soon.
If I don't post before Christmas I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year!


Sunday 10 November 2013

weekend busyness

I have had lots of sewing time this weekend. Once I get the machine out I try to get as much sewing done as possible before it has to go away again.
I started the crafting off with some retail therapy to buy some bits and bots for some secret sewing and some threads for a new project...
But first some finishes were in order
After some reverse sewing when a bright spark sewed the 1 1/2" squares right side facing the wrong side of the other piece it was to be attached to. Well said bright spark was so carried away with the continuous piecing it took to piece 26 before it was noticed. So unpicking and then resewing and this is the result
Mr Merry framed and basted ready for hand quilting!
I had to cut into my special stash of Chocolat fabric for the dark squares of the border but it was worth it.
 Finished my cross stitch needlecase.
The cross stitch was meant to go inside but it was a shame to hide away all those little stitches.
So a little reversing and ta da!

 an extra little pocket on the left for needles in their packet.
some more little houses have been made and I couldn't resist photographing them all together...
Boy they are as addictive as hexagons!
A start made on my new table runner. It's so enjoyable stitching the wool. So much gentler on the hands.

Lastly a pic of my new project. Hopefully it will get finished for christmas.
Only a sneak peek for now but more will follow.
Before you ask, yes I have been sleeping.......just staying up late watching bbc drama North and South. A work colleague lent me the dvd's and I finished watching the last episode last night/this morning. It was so lovely and the handsome Richard Armitage is quite easy on the eye too. Mr Thornton might be some competition for Mr Darcy!
Roll on Monday.
Because next week is the Mill Rose Get together and I want the week to fly!! Woo hoo!
So looking forward to going.
Have a great week

Friday 8 November 2013

back to some stitching...

You've probably had enough of Swan Lake at the moment and I must say I needed a little rest from it as well.
The centre hexie flowers just need to be stitched in place and the corner blocks appliqued and it is done and dusted to be put away till next year when it will be sent for quilting.
I thought it best to get back to some stitching. My Kathy Schmitz blocks have been waiting for some attention. Make Merry is the Christmas themed block and it has been traced for a little while.
It sat waiting for some alterations. The original has Santa holding a little snowman but I would be quite shocked if we had snow at Christmas here so I wanted to 'remove' the snowman, in the nicest possible way.
I changed the design to have Santa carrying his sack full of goodies and I seem to have reversed this one too. I don't know what it is about me reversing my stitcheries?
Here he is (minus the little iron on embellishment, and minus a little ironing too-pardon the wrinkles. Now that is going to be the catch cry of my life lol)

Last  night I was keen to do some hand sewing so decided some little houses needed constructing.
Three more to add to the collection which makes a total of 10. I have about another 10 cut out ready to go.
I seem to have gotten the knack of putting them together relatively neatly, with some helpful instructions from Teresa and they are sitting a little more neatly.
Thing is I don't know if I will be able to stop at 20 they are so enjoyable to make. A few bloggy friends have purchased the stamps for the houses too so if they get going with theirs I will have company and I might keep making more and know who you are girls....
Well a day of cleaning the cave and hunting and gathering lies ahead.
If I am lucky I will try to incorporate some sewing. There is a Christmassy swap I need to get organised for!
Have a great weekend!

Monday 28 October 2013

some tweaking...

Rest assured there will be no Miley Cyrus impersonations on this blog, I shudder when I recall that performance. eeewww
I have been playing around with the centre block of my Swan Lake after getting someone's honest opinion of my quilt which interrupted my happy dancing like someone bumping the needle across a record while it is being played. Ok, Ok I know I am showing my age but that's what it was like.
Rest assured it wasn't some blogging troll that passed this harsh judgement but my very own DH who said the centre block didn't look very good, didn't even see past the block to pass a more positive comment on the rest of the quilt, well maybe I didn't give  him the chance as I just wrapped up my flimsy and withdrew in silence.

(Play melancholic music now)
Now before anyone puts out a vendetta on my hub, he only really reinforced the doubts I already had but had hoped wouldn't bother me anymore. I was too enraptured with my dollies and hexie flowers.
So..... back to the drawing board..
I thought I would put together a possible replacement centre and put it out there.
I will also seek input from the learned ladies at quilting group on Saturday.
Here goes, you don't have to be gentle in your opinions I have had it from the champion of heartbreaking honest opinion givers.
The hexie flowers will be a bit more varied but it just gives an idea of a possible layout.

If I think of another combination I will definitely share it.
Till then here is a lovely quote sent to me by the lovely Bev (of Kainga Happenings)

"There will be obstacles,

There will be doubts,
There will be mistakes,
but if you work hard,
There will be no limit."

Now put that music back on I am going back to my dancing!

there now I feel better!
have a lovely week!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Are you ready for this?

January 2012 I started on this very long term project.
No goals as to when it would be finished, just a self imposed condition that it be worked on regularly.
There were times when I had a Dr Phil "what were you thinking?" moments but believe it or not......
Here it is with still a little bit of work to be done but the worst is over.
Be prepared I am going to bore everyone with photos of this for quite awhile. Bare with me I know you all understand

Drum Roll..................

how the border will go around the centre

dollies dancing on the grass
 Just a little more work to do. The thicker border needs to be appliqued around the centre block and the thinner binding along the mitred seams. Four squares to go in the corners and the little yo yo baskets to be added and it will be totally finished.
Didn't make it to Gj's so I decided to use the fabric I had. The thincker panel pattern wasn't quite long enough to fit along one side so I have joined all the panels into one long strip which means there will be joins but if it looks ok I won't replace it.
It's not perfect but with hindsight there are somethings I would have probably done a little more carefully knowing now the consequences of not being as pedantic as I should be.
But it's done now and I can live with it quite happily.
Thanks to everyone who has been supportive and offered encouragement and urged me on when I doubted myself! Thanks to the Academy and my parents and.......... only joking.
I'm off to do some happy dancing!

Friday 25 October 2013

Be Prepared....

Remember that boy scout motto,
It seems that preparations are the focus here at the moment.
 Swan Lake border four finished! Four borders prepared by marking the mitred corners ready to sew.
Hexies prepared for some more stepping stones around my novelty hexies.
 some more little houses stamped and cut ready for some on the go stitching
 Three new houses did get made on the weekend. I am still playing around with putting them together trying to find a way that they will sit neatly.
Some wool applique prepared for stitching too.
See that jumbo stapler in the pic, if you are doing wool applique on a larger scale this stapler is the way to go. I was lucky to borrow one from work after a disappointing ebay attempt to buy one. When the girls from the quilted crow explained how it was so helpful I didn't imagine how much easier it would be. It makes stabilizing the wool pieces easy peasy and much less fiddly. This project is ready to go now too.
Other than these not much else has been happening on the crafting front. Hub is out for the day tomorrow so I will have the day to myself and Swan Lake and I are going to have some quality time together!
A trip to GJ's may be in order as I need some fabric for the borders and centre panel of Swan Lake too.
Woo Hoo..

Happy stitching!


Friday 18 October 2013

christmas stitching

I have been quite slack when it has come to christmas stitching this year.
Now that we are into the final stretch I thought I better get a wriggle on.
Not long to go now on my Chistmas cross stitching...... just a 'J' and the top border and it is ready to go

another little cross stitchery. Still need to decide how this will come together
then these three little sneak peaks
they may be secret gifts or they may just be gifts. Haven't decided yet.
But I am enjoying making them.
a woolly santa for something different

I love this pretty little angel....

This weekend I hope to get back to Swan Lake and finish off the remaining flowers that need appliqueing.
Hopefully I can get it done and if mum is free she can help me get it together.
There will be some happy dancing if that happens. Mum may even join in!
Have a safe and stitchy weekend!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

been keeping busy....

Life around here has been taking up a lot of my time.  My blog has been a bit neglected and there has been limited blog visiting.
There has been some crafting happening which is good. So.... instead of lots of little updates you will get them all in one hooly, dooly, picture show.
Are you ready?
 Here is an update on my Swan Lake..... since the photo I have progressed further to include the hexies on the fourth border, half of which have been sewn down. I have also sewn the appliqued hearts on the three completed borders which go in between the bottom row of hexies and the dollies.
Sooooo Happy with the progress on this baby. I just had to put the top 'together' to encourage me and yep it worked.  My goal is to have the top together by the end of the year.
Definitely achievable!

Next finish was my sister in law's quilt. The top got done on Grand Final Day and it has gone to the quilters to be completed.  The pattern had another border but when she saw it she loved it as it was so who am I to argue? It's done.

The progress on these two has allowed me to start something new! I bought this stamp from Janneake, who started the building houses from scraps craze. She has  produced a stamp and I thought the process would make it easier for me to have a go. If you want to see some amazing quilts made from scrappy houses just click here. They are so inspiring.
Another bloggy friend has also made a scrappy houses quilt you can pop over to Maria's blog to have a look at it in this post. (Maria's wonderful novelty hexies inspired me to start my own novelty flower garden.)

 I have really been wanting to make at least some houses. Worst case scenario I would make some pincushions but I am enthused enough to make a mini hanging. Mind you I don't think there will be a big quilt of these happening! They are about 3 1/2 inches and so nifty to stitch.
Here are my little houses so far...

I have also finished off the cross stitching for a needlecase. The pattern was a birthday gift from my friend Els in the Netherlands. It is in a lovely blue and taupe colour thread. The photo doesn't quite do the colours justice but they are lovely. Next step to get the needlecase together!

So that's it for the crafting I have been occupying my spare time with.
I did have a lovely visit to NOTYQ show on Saturday and caught up briefly with Mel and Christine who were busy as bees doing their quilt show duties. I got to have a cuppa with Liz and Rosalie and some other lovely friends of Liz. Also got to meet Karen from Mrs Martin's quilt shop, so lovely to meet at last.
After the show I scooted to Bluegum quilters to catch up with Elyte and Robin and the other lovely ladies there. Phew did I sleep well that night.
Elyte, Robyn and Annie visited during last week to have a crafty catch up. Not a stitch was sewn but we shared lunch and lots of laughs. No pics either, what terrible bloggers. When the girls left my no 3 son said 'boy did you guys laugh enough?'
my reply is there is never enough laughing! It's cheaper than therapy and medications...

Happy stitching!


Friday 13 September 2013

About time...

I have had a project that required starting for some time. It has been milling around in my mind for a loonnnng time. I have gifted quilts to two of my sisters in law and I had wanted to make one for the third. I paid attention to when she was discussing colours for her bedroom and colours that she didn't like anymore.
When quilter's bazaar in Gisborne closed down some time ago we went to one of their sales and she picked some fabrics out in apricots and sage green. These colours would be the base colours for her quilt. She said she would also like a basket of flowers on point.
For me that was too many specifics.....I have struggled since with the colours and the requirements. Looking for a pattern that I thought she would like has been so hard. I much prefer to make something then gift it (whether they like it or not lol)  when there is too much criteria I tend to freak out. But at last the planets have aligned.
A few months ago a friend gave me some old crafty mags and on the cover of one was a lovely simple quilt that fitted the bill. Next to sort out those colours that are not really my favourites. I realised that I needed to add some other colours into the mix.
Since I finished the girls quilt and my once upon a time it was time I bit the bullet and committed big time to this quilt. I mentioned it to her that I had started and she thought I had forgotten. She knows how I have to have things just right so she is happy to wait.
Here is the centre started...
Nothing too fancy or complicated but manageable. The stems were a bit daunting but I found some great ready made bias binding that matched the colours perfectly so off I went. Ready made binding is definitely a winner! The little flowers will have chain stitched stems.
(The pattern is by Robyn Falloon and was in the Australian Quilters Companion no 15)
It has a simple border that I have simplified even more so it will not be a drawn out project.
Poor Swan Lake has been put to the side again but I will get back to it soon.
Some cross stitching being worked on too, pics next time...
Have a great weekend

Sunday 1 September 2013

bits of this and that...

Last weekend riding on the wave of my Once upon a time finish I thought it would be good to keep the momentum going and finish off my little girls of the world top. The outer border needed to be finished and after some advice I went with a scrappy border.
Seems like a bit of scrappy happening here lately...
Almost used my stash of Bliss too. It has certainly gone a long way.
this quilt will be a gift for a great niece. Her little sister received a 'bliss' quilt for her christening so thought it only fitting that they both have one from this range.
 this is one of my favourite little girls.
 this is the other quilt from the bliss fabrics...

My mini for spring got finished this week, some simple quilting and the binding and ta da...
Hanging in time for the first day of spring.

Quilting and binding finished on the snowman too, now it can go away till next winter.

 these little blocks came together quick and easy and will be in the mail tomorrow to go to Sharon's along with lot's of other people's contributions of squares to get put together to make a special I  spy quilt for a sick little boy.
Click here to read more if you are interested. I love the pattern Sharon will be using and it is a great way to feature novelty fabrics. Definitely will keep it in mind for the 'one day' list.
I seem to be drawn to children's quilts... my nanna glory box is going to be chockers!
Another row of hexies have been added to the novelty hexies but I have run out of stepping stones so I see some green squares and lots of basting in my near future.
And no I haven't forgotten my Swan Lake borders.... the remaining borders have their stars ironed on and I have started appliqueing them. Gotta keep that ball rolling!
Another beautiful Spring day today. Sun shining and not a grey cloud in sight.
have a great weekend wherever you are.


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...