Friday 30 September 2011

busy, busy...

My regular projects have taken a bit of a back seat at the moment due to two projects that have cropped up. I decided last weekend that I would make a small cot quilt for my great niece's christening Sunday week. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute and making it up as you go. I have been making great progress and may even meet my deadline! I am sure my niece will understand if it takes a little longer....

Since taking these pics the applique has been done and I changed the green dividing border. A girl can change her mind can't she?
The fabric is Bliss, a jelly roll and charm pack that has been waiting eagerly to be used. There is some left over so her older sister may get a small throw too (but not these holidays!)
A friend from work is to become a grandmother and asked if I could make a little quilt for the new baby- A nursery rhyme theme and appliqued. 
I loved mum's version of the quilt of Jack and Jill (by chitter chatter designs) so thought this would be perfect. Mum's has gone to the quilters so I will get a pic of it when it comes back.  I have been getting the applique bits ready, I just need to decide on the background. I put the pieces on a piece of cream and I think it is a little wishy washy. I may try for a pale blue like in the original pattern. Jack and Jill don't have their faces cut out yet as mum has graciously put her hand up to needleturn the applique for the faces to they won't have the blanket stitch around them. Thanks mum! XO
Before starting these lovelies I had to finish a ufo. The binding got done on these runners made from my birthday fabrics I received from Els and Fiona. Fabrics from opposite sides of the world matched up for the one project!
for those that are into milk jugs.....
Here is my little collection...
 the one on the left belonged to my mother in law and the one at the back was my nanna's. I think that one may be crystal.
two of these are from my Portland trip, the centre one from an antique shop in Lancefield. I just love them all.
Here is another pic of something that I am a little addicted to....
No 3 son went to the Royal Show yesterday and my one request was for some of this....
It comes in buckets too but I think he thought some moderation may be in order.
My personal best is three bags in one afternoon. It is like nibbling a cloud.
Food of the Gods!
And guess what there is no Fat content! It says so on the packet so it is almost diet food.....
Hope you have a lovely crafty weekend

Wednesday 28 September 2011

swap parcel farewelled and some pics

My swap parcel is finally on it's merry way to Peta in WA.
Bon Voyage and speedy journey!

On the weekend we went to Portland, (Victoria) It is a beautiful little port town. It was the first European settlement in Victoria, settled in the early to mid 1800's.
It was used as a whaling port too. In the maritime museum they had a huge skeleton of a sperm whale that had been washed up, already dead, on the beach there. It was amazing to be up close to something so huge.
Dh and no 3 son did some of this....
while I did...
(this is for a quickie gift that I need to finish but only started on the weekend, talk about leaving things to the last minute.
It was beautiful to sit and stitch looking out to the sea. They fished from the break water which you could drive out onto quite far.
When they were fishing in the morning...
I did this...
gosh my feet look big! .

there is a lighthouse on this cliff just behind the last tree to the right.
this is the view from the lighthouse, You can see the start of the breakwater, it extended out  at least  1 1/2 times again and we were at the end of it.

I walked around town looking at all the beautiful old bluestone cottages and old wood houses. They were just gorgeous. I made my way to the lighthouse and then back along the beach, back to town.
There were heaps of antique, bric a brac places along the way to Portland and we visited most. I bought some lovely depression glass milk jugs. My new passion it appears. There was a gorgeous Patchwork shop in town but it was shut by the time we got there and it wasn't open by the time we left on Monday. Them's the breaks.

I have decided that October will be quilting month!
I made a start on quilting my hexie flower garden by hand. Who's dumb idea was that?..... While stitching away I told DH that I want to be buried with this quilt because that's probably how long it will take me to hand quilt it!
He replied...'why don't you get it quilted by machine?'
Takes a man to reinvent the wheel doesn't it. I told him I want it quilted selectively and not just all over, willy nilly and to get that done by a quilter will cost a mint. So I will keep stitching away till my arm drops off or becomes the size of the Incredible Hulk's arm......... I have nearly finished two rows. I regret having been so enthusiastic making all those flowers, now that I have to quilt around each one! lol.
It definitely won't be a quick quilt to finish.....

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well....

Slap the 'man' who came up with that quote!

Hope you are having a great week...

ps because we went away my Christmas goodies weren't finished... Hopefully something will get completed in between all that hand quilting.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

block two....

I have been busy stitching away on various things and trying to get some catch up goodies made by the 25th for my Christmas items and of course making sure I am on track for my FRIENDS swap.
Block two for Down in the garden is done! I wasn't looking forward to stitching the birds but that opinion has changed and I love them sitting amongst the blossoms.
I changed their beaks a little to make them fuller, (no silicone used at all).
Here is the whole block.....

 block one and two together.....

Now it will go away till next month.

In the meantime two new patterns came in the mail. I bought them from Patchworks Plus an online store in Tasmania. Sarah has really competitive prices and often has specials on postage. I previously bought my Down in the Garden and the Tis the Season patterns from Sarah and the service is fantastic.
 I really like the applique on the sewing Angels pattern and of course there are hexie flowers!
 I just had to start this stitchery. It is just gorgeous and a perfect project to do in between down in the garden blocks. The pattern came with pre printed linen and Cosmo threads. I hadn't used the Cosmo threads before but they seem thinner than the DMC. I prefer the fullness of the DMC cottons but I will see how I go with the rest of the stitchery before making a final decision for preference. I am not minding the linen, seeing as it was pre printed it was very handy. There is a lot of tracing to do otherwise.
Of course I didn't neglect my Bakehouse stitchery and it was finished before starting this new redwork project, I just forgot to photograph it. I have put together two out of the three runners using Michelle's gorgeous stitcheries. No reveal till they are quilted!
Hope the week has been a good one so far!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

pincushions galore!

Remember this......
 It was about time it got finished so I added a strip around the edge and used some of my yo yos that I had stashed.
I didn't realise how big this pincushion would be when I first made the base. It is a little big but I don't mind it just makes sure it is noticed. It could almost be a door stop!
I worked on my swap goodies and I am happy to say they are almost done. Just one more gift to make.
Sunday night I found a use for a hexie flower I made. One of the glass vintage buttons has found a home on this pin cushion. It fits perfectly.

I think I may be getting a bit of a collection of pincushions....
These are pincushions I have received in swaps and as gifts, and some I just made for myself. I just love them all. The one with all the pins is extra special because one of my boys made it for me when I was sewing one day and he wanted to make something too.
Most of them live in a basket on my sewing trolley.
Off to do some quilting... finishing off a UFO.
Happy crafting!

Saturday 10 September 2011

spending time down in the garden....

This week I have been busy stitching. Boy was there a lot of it!
The main stitched block of Block two is done. I have changed some of the colours to suit my fabrics and the butterflies are softer than the red ones on the pattern. I am happy with most of it. Now I just need to cut up and trace the smaller stitchery blocks and I should be well on target for this month.

and another sneak peak.......
Not convinced about the handkerchief linen as it wrinkles so easily. Have other people found this? This was stitched using an iron on transfer and is visible in some places. It should fade with time or washing according to the instructions. I am hoping so!
Off this afternoon to get some accessories to finish one of my swap gifts.... The end of the month doesn't seem all that far away!
Hope you have a lovely weekend with lots of craftiness.

Saturday 3 September 2011

just letting you know.....

Melody at the House on the Hill is having a giveaway to celebrate her 1 year blogaversary! Melody is a lovely, talented crafter and I am in awe of her fussy cut hexagons. They are just amazing.
Pop over and say hello and you can enter her giveaway.
While I am here I may as well give you a sneak peak of something I am making. Can't reveal too much someone may be peaking!
the design is stitched on Handkerchief Linen. It wasn't too bad but because of the coarser grain it wasn't as easy to get really neat satin stitch. That's all I can show for now.
Today I am off to steward at an Obedience Trial for a work colleague. Last year it poured rain and I stood in the rain for the whole day. Today the sun is shining but it is quite windy. Still will need a beany I am afraid. No stitching will get done but it will be fun to spend a 'dog' filled day and catch up with doggy acquaintances.
I used to be very involved in obedience and used to even trial my boys. I just don't seem to have the enthusiasm I used to have to commit to it again. I just enjoy spending time with my four leggers less formally and in a way they probably enjoy more.
ps don't forget to pop over to Melody's to wish her a happy blogaversary!
Have a great Day!

Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...