Saturday 22 January 2011

another bloggy meeting

On Friday I had the pleasure of meeting another bloggy friend, Teresa (from 'all things vintage'). She is down from Qld visiting with family and suggested a get together. We met in the city as it was convenient for both of us. Had fun catching the train into the city.
It was quite funny we both got there early and I had a fair idea of what Teresa looked like from her blog posts but she had no idea what I looked like as I have not posted a pic of myself on my blog- I told her the internet would shut down if I did! lol. I approached her hoping I wasn't just attacking some poor random person, thankfully it was her!
It was amazing how much we had in common and how easy it was for us to chat, the same as it was with Tracey on Monday. I suppose our crafting brings us together and gives us that common ground.
After a chat over a cuppa I suggested that we visit L'Uccello in Swanston street as I thought this would be right up Teresa's alley and it was. She loved the place and we spent a good deal of time looking at all the treasures. Teresa snapped some pics of the shop and Kim (the owner) snapped the two of us. Teresa did catch a pic of me purchasing some goodies, just as well hubby doesn't blog hop! We left L'Uccello to investigate the arcades and a brief stop at Clegs.  The arcades in Melbourne are just so beautiful and we found a gorgeous doll shop that had incredibly detailed little ceramics or they may be china ornaments. Of course we went in and bought some treasures.

Here are the goodies that followed me home...
my goodies from L'uccello
My new china treasures
this foxie is less than two inches high. Reminds me so much of my Peggy.

Can you believe the detail on this little teapot, you can see how tiny it is compared to the ten cent piece. Teresa bought one similar. When I look at mine I will know she has one in her home to remind her of her visit to Melbourne.
Before we knew it it was time for Teresa to have to go but it was a wonderful catch up and I am so glad she suggested the meeting. 
You will have to visit her blog once she gets home to see the photographic evidence of our catch up.
 I will check out some more crafty places for us to visit next time you are in town.


  1. Your blog header photo is very appropriate - Social butterfly.
    I think that you have had a very pleasant holiday this year. Are those Christmas pressies ready for next week? I hope to have one!

  2. So glad you had a good time. I love L'Uccello and the dolly shop in the Block Arcade is wonderful too. Have a great weekend.

  3. What fun.... my geography is shocking and I didn't realise you were so close to Melbourne... I hope we can catch up? - I will be there for a few days in February.
    Teresa seems such a lovely person - I hope I will meet her this year too...
    PS Lovely shoppings....
    (I also shy away from pictures!!)

  4. Oh what fun another meet up! Cute little teapot and lovely foxy. sounds like you had a great time.

  5. Sounds like the two of you had a wonderful get together with some great treasure finds.

  6. What a great time the two of you had! The teapot is just gorgeous!

  7. Glad you had a fun day and didn't come to any harm - HaHa!

    Gorgeous finds - love the little doggie.


Rolling into the holidays...

 Here we are just about to finish off this school term. I really feel that the term has flown. Crafting has mainly been that of the woolly k...