Sunday 12 February 2017

enjoying the cool....

Hate to mention the 'cool' word especially when so many folks from NSW and Queensland are absolutely sweltering. Hope you all get a cool change soon.
The binding was sewn onto the  baby quilt, it was gifted and will be treasured! My clamshells have their binding too and I love it. A little too scared to put it on the table at the moment for fear of the barbarians spilling something on it. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it...must keep it safe. lol
Here they are all finished with their pretty bindings..

 Even got a new Caswell block finished today....
Unfortunately my camera is not showing the true colours in the fabrics for all three projects but this is as true to colour as I could get. The bright circles aren't that bright in real life.
Now to the next block......happy days!!
Hope you all have a great week


  1. Both quilts look beautiful Marina. Make sure you keep those barbarians away from those clamshells, they deserve only love and respect and not tomato sauce, red wine and greasy fingers.
    Tick off another gorgeous Caswell block.

  2. It's good to have a finish. Love your little clam shell centre.. nice work

  3. All so pretty! I LOVE the clamshells, and hope to do something similar in the near future. My To-Do list never seems to get any shorter.....

  4. One can never be too careful when there are barbarians at the gate :D. That's a pretty block - I particularly like the three small roses inside the tiny circles on the left - sweet.

  5. So pretty! I especially love the clamshells. It's a beauty. I can see why you'd worry about spills!

  6. Beautiful quilts. Love the Caswell block. Hugs,xx

  7. Your two finishes look wonderful Marina...yes keep the clamshells protected from those marauding barbarians!!!😀 The Caswell block is beautiful you are creating wonderful blocks there.

  8. So much gorgeousness Marina. I love your clamshells and the Caswell block is stitched so beautifully.....sighing with delight here x

  9. Three gorgeous photos of your beautiful work Marina! Well done on the finishes - it's very satisfying to sew those last few bindng stitches in, isn't it! Caswell is going to be a real beauty - love those colours you've used.

  10. Clamshells is so pretty on your table and I love all the colours in your baby quilt.

  11. I LOVE your clamshells Marina - beautiful. xx

  12. Oh no! Keep the Barbarians away from such a pretty piece!
    Such pretty finishes Marina... and Caswell is progressing so well, how many blocks are left to be made?

  13. Oh my! Those finishes are both so lovely! Once again, I have to say that I love your applique. Another beautiful block.

  14. haha... no barbarians near the clamshells!!! it does look so pretty with the violets. Well done with the latest block - a long way around those leaves...

  15. Hi Marina,wow your work is amazing,so much inspiration,i always love seeing your work,well done.

  16. Both are wonderful finishes. The baby quilt is gorgeous and I hope it will be treasured for many years.
    Lovely work with your clam-shells. That is stunning. beautiful work and I agree about your concerns about spilling something on it. Too special for that.
    Wasn't the cool of the day wonderful? Glad you got another block under way!

  17. Think you need that beautiful clamshell quilt up on the wall to be seen and admired in all its beauty and away from the barbarians. Love it and the baby quilt and the gorgeous block.

  18. Hi Marina. I love your clamshell quilt. Is it a pattern from Irene Blanck? I would love to make it.

  19. Hi Marina, I love your clamshell quilt. Is it an Irene Black pattern? I would love to make it.

  20. Thankyou, it's not technically a design by Irene but I started it when I did a class with Irene to learn her clamshell technique, I added the rambling vine myself inspired by some applique in her book. There is no written pattern it was a bit let's see how it goes and add a bit of this and that....
    Feel free to make one the same if you wish

  21. Marina, Marina!! As always your work is beautiful but I really love your clamshells, soooooo delicate and pretty, hope you whipped it off the table after took the photo to keep it safe from your resident, (but really very nice) barbarians :)

  22. Million days behind..... Lovely projects and thankful we have cooled down a bit now.......


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...