Wednesday 22 October 2014

been up North.....

but not North to Alaska, north to Queensland.
Hub and I have been away for several days visiting the gorgeous Gold Coast and Brisbane.
It was a first for me and definitely won't be the last time I go there. The weather was perfect.
 Lots of walking to sightsee and there was lots to see.
I have to say I absolutely loved Brisbane it is such a beautiful city with easy access and beautiful walking tracks along the river. Everything was so amazing to look at, the flora and fauna was gorgeous.

I have lots of pics to share hope you are up for it?
Roll the pictures

beautiful clean beach at Surfers Paradise. I did stick a toe in but that's about it.
The sand squeaked when you walked on it!
The spectacular walkway along southbank in Brisbane. This archway continued for ages. No 1 son said that Hub should have told me a knock knock joke to make me smile. Smarty pants..

Fern growing on a live tree. Amazing!
Botanical gardens at Mt Tambourine
taste testing at a brewery on Mt Tambourine.... Yum, lovely lunch as well.
Carved Pagoda in Brisbane. I had to censor some of my pics as it had lots of fertility symbols and they needed to be PG.

Beautiful old home along the river and a superb Jacaranda tree in full bloom. The city was full of them and they put on a fantastic show.

amazing huge tree near where we were staying.

there were lots of these little fellas along the river.
of course there was some stitching, with a lovely view

Story Book bridge over the river... I tried to walk over it but only made it as far as the girders as my fear of heights overcame me and I skulked back to the main path and could breathe freely again.
The highlight of my trip to Brisbane was a get together with these wonderful, wonderful ladies!
I can't believe I got to meet up with you all and repay the visits you have made down south,  thankyou so much for making my holiday!
We sat and chattted for ages and laughed and ate.
Lucky we didn't have to pay 'butt parking' by the hour at the cafe! We would have been in for a hefty bill.
Fiona, Teresa, Me and Michelle.

Here is my lovely meal... it was the best and I didn't leave a scrap.
Now there was one last photo that was taken but not shared as it looked too dark on my phone but with downloading and enhancing it turned out ok..
As hub was taking the photo Fiona remarked that if we leaned forward we would look thinner...
Of course I wanted to look stick thin if that was the case and I tried to lean forward while holding onto the rail behind me. We all started laughing.. so here it is girls.. the silly photo:
Does it make me look any thinner?
I love laughing with friends
Now that we are home I will catch up with blogs, I have been lurking but only had my phone to visit with.
Next post I will show a little surprise giftie I received.


  1. Lucky you Marina. what a wonderful trip and great photos. so great to catch up with those wonderful girls

  2. I know how much you have been looking forward to this trip, and it certainly looks like Brisbane and the locals delivered. Glad you got to meet up with the girls, and you all look fabulous and happy! Very nice peek at your stitching too.

  3. Glad you had a wonderful time. Looks like a very nice time of year to visit Brisbane.
    Would have loved to be a fly on the wall at your lunch, but I suppose it all stays in Brisbane.
    Interesting concept, the "butt parking"!
    Looks like Joe really took to the beer tasting.

  4. Hi Marina what a lovely post and Thankyou for sharing your lovely time with us,and how much fun to be able to meet up with these lovely friends.xx

  5. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful trip , what a beautiful city , would love to visit one day . Nice you got to visit with friends and I love the silly picture and sure you look remarkably thinner ;-)

  6. Sounds like a lovely holiday. I was surprised to see you pop up on Michelle's blog. Looks like you girls had a wonderful time.

  7. So fun seeing Brissie through a 'virgin's' eyes! It is lovely and it was so great catching up with you... yes, we all look lovely and slender ... and happy ...

  8. Hello Marina,

    Knock knock who's there Marina and the bloggers!
    What an enjoyable time you had up at Brisbane. Love the thought of looking thinner.

    Happy days

  9. Looks like such a fantastic visit with great views and lovely friends to keep you company at the cafe :o)
    I must say it's nice to find another mushy pea fan!

  10. Looks like you had a great time

  11. What a great trip. Lovely photos and great to meet up with your friends. Love the silly picture! xx

  12. so much fun :)
    hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Definitely skinnier Marina! Glad you had such a great time.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful time and to catch up with that crew really tops it off!!

  15. Oh I enjoyed going through all your photos! You got some wonderful shots. It was so good to see you and spend the day catching up and laughing together. That last photo really cracked me up - I'd forgotten about that pic. Thanks so much xx

  16. Waauw Marina what a lovely picture's you let us see. And the sun us shining, here in Holland is it could and rainingweather, brrrrrrrrrr autumn .

  17. WHat lovely photos: thanks for sharing!! Someday I will make it to Australia: I've heard the birds are amazing there!! And yes you all look stick thin!! :-) I'm going to try it for myself!! :-P Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  18. Looks like lots of fun all round.
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots of the city.

  19. How fun...I think that last photo may just sum up your afternoon...just love those jacaranda trees...

  20. Looks like you had a fabulous vacation.

  21. Great photos Marina, looks like you had a wonderful time. Yes the leaning forward does work!!! lol!!! Have to try that myself!


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