Wednesday 12 March 2014

love long weekends....

The long weekend was a real charger for the batteries. Like a mini holiday..
I made a mental list of some finishes that needed doing and while working on these had a brain wave.
That can be really dangerous!
Remember the two little bliss fabric quilts that I have mentioned recently.... well the recipients of those quilts have a little baby sister who is being christened in a few weeks and of course she will need a quilt too. So......out came the rotary cutter and a lovely charm pack. I can't remember which of the Bonnie and Camille range this one is but I am sure that I can get some extra metreage to make borders and sashings.
I started off with half square triangles but they just didn't seem to suit what I had in mind so after some cake and a cuppa I decided to cut them again and make little hour glass blocks.....
 (by the way the cake is a baked ricotta cheescake, and it was a big winner here, and yes I made it myself)
At our March Bluegum quilters there was a special speaker, Leonie West of Westalee rulers.
I didn't take part in the workshop but listened to a very informative presentation which offered some very useful tips on accurate piecing.
Leonie's quilts had the most amazing points, I don't think I saw one that was mismatched at all! I thought this piecing would be a bit of a practice in what I had learnt.
Leonie's method worked a treat and I was very excited by the quality of my points matching, sad aren't I?
Lots of careful pinning and matching really paid off.
 Here is the final result, in need of a little trimming. Aren't they cute. Now to decide how to put them together as I need to incorporate a stitchery, of course.
I had some forgotten bits that needed to be finished so here they are..
this will be ready for next Valentine's day. It just needed the binding.
these two little stitcheries will be fully revealed for my 1 Christmas Item for this month so I will just show a little peek for now.
Hooray, I will be back on track with a small start for my christmas gift box.
Hope the week is going well for you


  1. You do such beautiful work Marina and that baked ricotta looks so yummy,you are a very clever lady,well done my friend.xx

  2. Love long weekends too Marina - you seem to get so much more done. Your quilt is going to be just gorgeous and love those xmas sneaky peaks

  3. Absolutely beautiful work, as always

  4. Your sneaky peeks look great. Can't wait for the reveals! :)

  5. Those seams look pretty perfect to me Marina. You obviously listened well.

  6. pretty fabrics you have used in your hourglass blocks - taking time to pin well really well does pay off matching those points up. xx

  7. Looks like you mastered the perfect points , this will make an adorable quilt. Lovely stitcheries you are doing :-)

  8. You have been productive! Love the blue on the Christmas stitchery and looking forward to seeing your finished baby quilt.

  9. Beautiful stitching Marina, I like all my points to match too, it always puts a smile on my face when they meet. Yummy looking cheesecake will we be seeing that in April?

  10. Gotta love a long weekend.
    Your perfectly pieced hourglass blocks will make a beautiful quilt - great colours.
    Beautiful stitcheries as always - can I learn this!
    And as for the cheese cake, I would like to be introduced.

  11. Your sneaky peek has given me a reason to go green - with ENVY that is - the close-up allows me to see just how perfect your stitching is, Marina!!

  12. They are very sweet little blocks, will be lovely with a stitchery added. I did take a good look at the cake, very impressive baking there. Your stitching is so lovely and neat, as always.

  13. Love your baby quilt fabrics and they look very scrumptious as hourglass blocks. Always so many beautiful things coming from your sewing room (and kitchen).

  14. Hello Marina,

    First up, recipe for bakes cheesecake PLEASE.
    It looks like the cake and cuppa idea got you into the sewing mood. Learning new sewing methods is always good. Lots of lovely projects going on at your place.

    Happy days.

  15. Marina you do such beautiful work. Your little blocks are lovely xx

  16. staying busy I see and ready for the holidays as they come.

  17. You got lots done! Your blocks and points look perfect, something I struggle with. Lovely mini quilt and glimpses of your Christmas stitcheries!

  18. Your Valentines quilt is beautiful - what a lovely stitchery that is. Do like the look of your sneaky peeks for 1 Christmas Item too - more delightful stitching! The hourglasses are lovely too - nice and dainty :-)


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...