Wednesday 8 June 2011

get ready for some piccies....

I have some pictorial catch up to play.
Yesterday was the 7th June and I had three little parcels that weren't to be opened till the 7th!
When I opened them I found these lovely gifts from a swap friend Els.
They are just gorgeous and the fabrics are so soft and delicate.
Thankyou Els I love them!!!

these little crosses are just tiny and so perfect.
Another parcel arrived in the mail today. Lorraine of the balancing Kiwi and I have done some lovely little swaps with each other since being swap partners in a Christmas swap.This time we decided we would both jump on the mug rug bandwagon. Lorraine's parcel arrived last weekend and mine today. I just love getting goodies in the mail. She also sent some special extras. We both love the colour blue so it goes without saying that we love things that are blue!
Remember the little blue heart that was a sneak peak a few posts ago? Well this is the rug mug I sent to Lorraine. She let me know that she liked it but is too afraid to use it. I am not one to judge as I have a collection of beautiful crocheted wash cloths that will probably never see water!

This is the loveliness that I received...
lovely teapots and teacups with embroidered embellishments. Uncanny how we were on such a similar track!

a beautiful toile fabric purse.
and this gorgeous book with lovely sayings. It is just divine. I love the 'm' it is a small plaque.

Thankyou so much Lorraine for my lovely parcel. Whether my mug rug gets used or not is still to be decided it may join the washcloths on the dresser!
Hope everyone is having a lovely week I know I am (except for the visit to the dentist this afternoon. I have another 3 fillings to go! Signs of a misspent adulthood being afraid of the dentist-still afraid but  sucking it up)


  1. So glad you like your gifts Marina.


  2. Lovely gifts Marina.... I'm sure they made your day special....

  3. What lovely gifts you have received (and given). It is such a treat when the postman arrives with such delights. I think that you should use and enjoy these beautiful presents. They will always remind you of your wonderful swap pals all over the world.
    My dentist is a lovely man but her represents torture! Ugh!

  4. Lucky you got some lovely goodies in the mail. That sure is a pretty little purse you received from Els, I hope you don't hide it away.

    The dentist fear seems to be common, I wonder if it is something to do with the way they did things when we were young?? Now I am too afraid of the $$$$, seems they won't look in your mouth for less than $$$. Hope it is not too painful.

  5. The mug rugs are really beautiful!

  6. What lovely goodies Marina...and happy birthday for whenever your birthday was/is...hugs KHris


May is for quilting

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