Friday 21 May 2010

moderation my dears.....

Well this is the second 'm' word for the week- moderation.
Not doing any stitching for the last week, my arm had been starting to feel quite good again. So unfair to have tennis elbow when you don't even play tennis, though I do have to watch no 3 son play tennis?
Anyhoo, last night I succumbed to the desire to make hexagons! Thanks for that Narelle! I have been seeing lots of bloggers making flowers every Wednesday and that's it I want to have a go too. Well of course if you are cutting out seven you may as well cut out more........ Can you see commitment happening around           'now'.

 Next dilemma was what fabrics to use. I bought a sampler box from Moda thinking they were 5in charm squares but they were actually only 2 1/2 inch squares. I used some for applique on my Life is Beautiful stitcheries but they are just the perfect size for the hexagons.

I have probably cheated a little bit because instead of using papers I have been using a fusible 'stuff' (that's technical talk readers) that I used to do the circles for my Life is Beautiful quilt. As you handle the fused fabric it does soften and apparently once you wash it the threads break up. I am sorry if I have cheated but those little papers are just too intimidating. I sat and stitched all the hexagons I had cut out and by the time I went to bed my arm was already starting to hurt again. That is where the moderation will have to come in. NO stitching away to my heart's content, I will have to have limits- that is no fun at all. Well there is no harm in just getting the next squares ready is there?
I think I love hexagons almost, almost as much as yo yos.

Next step will be to sew the hexagons together and learn to stop at just one!

 In my travels today I happened to pass a lovely patchwork shop. I needed to buy some more background fabric for my Sweet nostalgia stitcheries. Well they didn't have any but they are getting some more in and hopefully it will match the other one I have used but they also had a 20% off sale and they had these beautiful fat quarters that caught my eye....... Maybe if I collect a few along these styles they will go well for my Sweet nostalgia borders. A new stash to buy for! What bliss!

Have a great weekend


  1. Welcome to our flower garden wednesday. I love doing them.

  2. Nice work Marina those hexagons look perfect and you don't have to fiddle with the insides - they just wash away. Love your fat quarters - they would go very nicely in my Farmer's Wife blocks. Actually I think I already have the one on the left and the two on the right in other colourways.

  3. It is so easy to get carried away when you start to feel better isn't it. I think we all have to learn that word 'Moderation'! ;-)

  4. Hope you are better soon!

  5. Gorgeous fabrics! Can't wait to see finished or two will do.
    The fusible sounds excellent and lovely purchases.

  6. Leave it to you, Marina, to figure out a neat way to make hexagons! No basting, pinning or slipping of those pesky papers.


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...