Saturday 20 February 2010

received an award........

Narelle has given me this lovely award- Thanks Narelle, I have never received one before.
With the award come some duties to fulfill.

* Thank and link my presenter

* Post the award on my blog.

* Tell 7 interesting things about myself. This is going to be hard!

* Nominate 7 blogs. (I only can list a few).

* Link those 7 blogs.

Let's do the easy part first, the blogs to pass the award to-

Lorraine -the balancing Kiwi

Micki- Irish Muses

Kymberly - The cotton patch

Bev- Bev's bits and pieces.

now for the 7 interesting things.....I am not too sure if they are interesting but they are things..

1. I vowed that before I turned 40 I wanted to learn an instrument. My hubbie bought me a beautiful Squier acoustic guitar and I took lessons for 2 years. I just loved the fact that I could make some, not too terrible noises from my guitar. My favourite songs to play are 'one' by U2 and The river by Bruce Springstein. I hate to play in front of anyone other than my family as I am just so self conscious. So I pretty well just play for my own amusement. I even just love playing scales and cord exercises-just so long as it sounds nice.
2. I have done dog obedience for nearly 24 years on and off and have managed to title 3 dogs at a basic level.

3. I lived a year in Italy with my family when I was a teenager and went to school there too.
Was a great experience and I long to return just to revisit the places and see my relatives again. I really want to share that history with my kids.

4. When I gave birth to my boys they were all born at similar times . 3.05 am, 3.08 am, 3.13 am.

Boy this is hard!

5. We have a Pope in our family (quite a few generations back) on my maternal grandfather's side.

Only two more to go!

6. I talk (and occasionally walk) in my sleep.......those that know me are not surprised- there are usually comments about talking & wet cement made too.

7. I love to laugh and love comedies. Laughing makes me happy.

Wow that is it!
Thanks again for the award Narelle. It was fun but I must admit it took me a few days to finish it off.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!



  1. Congrats on your award.
    Great to learn more about you. I love to laugh too. I used to walk in my sleep when I was a child. Even went out the front door once but my parents were awake and made me come back. Strange!

  2. Thanks so much Marina...I don't have that much time to do all of that, but the award is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks again for thinking of me.

  3. Lovely to read.
    My guitar hasn't seen the light of day for a number of years now and my son was a sleep walker when younger.
    I'm off to visit your links.


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