Monday 25 January 2010

dolly quilts done...

Dolly quilts are done. I can't wait to send them to the girls. They were quick and easy and finished in a day. What more could you want?
I cheated a bit with the quilting and machine quilted with the walking foot only through the top and iron on pellon. I put the back on as if it was a cushion and only machined around the edge, it is only a doll's quilt (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it)
They still look cute.

I did say to myself no more swaps for this year, except for the stitchers angel swap but I am being tempted by 'Dutch sisters' who are having a spring swap. As I was reading Dutch Blue blog and reading about the swap my mind was already working overtime thinking of what I could make. Stop it! I will slap myself if I have to...
It is so tempting. Do I stick to my guns or cave in. I love to do swaps and it is only a small one and the swap finishes in March.......
I will continue this argument throughout the day and let you know the final verdict.
Tomorrow we are off to our nieces for a super Australia Day bbq with some family.
Mum and Dad are coming up tonight for a roast dinner so it is socialising all round!
Have a lovely Australia Day for those in Australia and a lovely week for everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty quilts - and you are right they are only Dolly ones the girls will love them anyway. Enjoy Australia Day


May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...