Friday 29 January 2010

But they followed me home!

Two days at work then five days off, two days at work then three days off......
What a great ease back into the work routine.
Today was my usual day off and after the last minute school stationery grab for no 3 son and some hunting and gathering for the weekly shop the rest of the day was mine.
I wanted to pop over to Jemima's to see if I could get a few more fabrics for my Boy's story quilt. I have traced some of the first blocks to get them ready to start in a few months (if I can wait that long). I took my original four purchases and then Veronica helped to select some more to go with them. I was only going to get three or four fabrics to add to the stash but she brought out some great fabrics that were just perfect and there's no point in waiting and starting all over again in a few weeks time is there? So..... I ended up with 7 fabrics (on top of the originals).

Here is the actual pattern from the book I am going to do.

Earlier this month I received my pattern 5 of the Heart and home bom instead of pattern 4 . I have been busting to get pattern 5 as it has the directions for the first borders. I have prepared all the applique but not done the pieced school house blocks. Will wait till I have done pattern 4 I think.

I have also prepared a few more Life is Beautiful blocks ready to stitch...
Off to craft group tomorrow! Good to catch up with the girls!
Have a great weekend


  1. I can see why those fabrics followed you home - can't believe you are going to wait a couple of months to start - with all that goodness I'd be diving right in. Like the applique borders you have prepared. Have a good one.

  2. I agree, how can you wait, or are you waiting for more fabric to follow you home? lol


Saturday with friends

I had a lovely catch up yesterday at Patch and Quilt in Gisborne with sewing friends. Most of us go back to when there  used to be quarterly...